As I was driving along a busy thoroughfare, among the signs that hung in one strip mall was this one, INDOOR AXE THROWING. Along with the words was an emblem containing an axe surrounded by a couple of squares standing on a corner. The building looked innocent enough, dark glass frontage. INDOOR AXE THROWING.
What was going on in this building? Was it a clever name for a bar? Or was it indeed what it said it was, an establishment to learn how to throw axes, all in indoor comfort? Although it seems odd that such a business could be sustainable, I suspect that it actually was what it advertised. Is this a new found fad sport? Is it some twist on self-protection? Axe throwing?
In truth, it seems that many just might find axe throwing to be a helpful skill to have in today’s world. After all, it does often feel like there are many things on our tails, some of them rather angry and fierce. Bosses on our tails. Family members constantly judging us. Pressure to succeed stalking us. Neighbors that make life difficult.
As I look around, it does seem to me that a lot of axes are flying around, not literally, but certainly figuratively. We’ve all learned in one way or another to throw axes, to cut people down, to chop away at a person’s weakest point. Maybe a business that actually teaches people to throw axes is far more sustainable than anyone would think.
Problem is that in a world with axes flying around, people get hurt. You have to always be on guard looking out for an axe that may or may not be aimed at you. Anxiety erupts. Fear abounds. Enemies flourish. Life evaporates.
So, if you are tired of dodging axes and your arms have grown weary of throwing axes there’s a place where you can learn a different skill. A place where you can learn to throw your arms open to others with forgiveness. A place where you can learn to throw open your heart to those who are hard to love. A place where you can learn to throw yourself into the messy and tough parts of life with courage and hope. A place where you can be nourished with divine strength to endure what the world throws at you.
There’s a sign out in front of these places, too. It is a sign that bears the name “church”, and often when you look at the building there is a cross that prominently marks that place. A cross…not an axe. The power that churns inside these buildings is the power of the cross….the cross on which Jesus opened his arms in an eternal embrace of mercy, a cross from which Jesus said, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”, a cross upon which Jesus stood his ground in the messiest and most painful arenas of life, a cross where evil took its last breath and from which Jesus breathed eternal life three days later.
If you are tired of dodging axes and throwing them, let me invite you to turn your car this Sunday morning into a place where the cross takes hold of you changing you with the power of God. If you do, you still might get hit by some axes that the world teaches people to throw, but this is certain; the world will be a far better place if more folks throw around God’s grace and mercy….and you can be part of changing the world for good, and forever!
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger