Monday, April 2, 2012

Bungee Cord 4-2-12

     I don’t suppose that it comes as shocking news to any of you that Easter is this upcoming Sunday.  Although we, in the United States, make a bigger deal out of Christmas, the truth is, in the world of the Christian faith, Easter is the biggest deal of all.  The occupied manger of Christmas indeed carries the wonder of our God’s love for us that God would deem to take his place among us, but the unoccupied Easter tomb takes the spotlight of God’s love for us in that it voids any other claim on us than the claim made on us by the one who vacated that three day grave.  As the Bible says in Romans 8, “Nothing in all of creation can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.”  Nothing!  That is what Easter is all about, and that is what makes it the greatest day each year.
     So, let me invite…encourage….nudge…maybe even tug you to go to church this Sunday.  I don’t care, and neither does God, if you haven’t been to church for quite a while.  I don’t care, and neither does God, if you have a hard time believing the truth of Jesus’ rising from the dead.  I don’t care, and neither does God, if you have made a mess of your life or fallen into a deep ditch as you stumbled in the dark.  I don’t care, and neither does God, if you have everything in the world a person could want because you have climbed your way to the top of the heap.  This Sunday, Easter, is the dynamite stick that sent an explosion of grace, mercy and forgiveness into the universe, and that is why I, and I believe God, delights in inviting you to church.  I hope you will come this Sunday and see if that explosion doesn’t somehow rock your world, too.
     And to those of you Bungee Cord readers who have responded to God’s weekly Sunday invitation to keep the Easter parting going, let me offer a couple of words to you.
      First, give up your pew.  It is no wonder to me that the explosion of Easter doesn’t take hold in the lives of those who are not regularly in worship when the time that they do come to church they find themselves in some overflow area or crowded into a seat in the aisle.  Keep the “best seats in the house” for those who aren’t there as often as you.  That is what being a good host and good witness is all about. 
     Second, be thankful that people have responded to God’s invitation to come to his house on Easter (or any Sunday, for that matter).  Welcome them with the genuine delight that Jesus feels in his heart, don’t belittle them and embarrass them with jokes or comments about their previous absence from church on Sunday morning.  And most of all don’t complain that they have taken your pew.  Don’t stare them down as if they were Goldilocks and you were one of the tree bears.  Don’t whisper between  yourselves about their lack of commitment compared to yours (there may not be as big of a difference as it appears!).   Don’t call them “C and E” Christians.   They are “Children of God”,   “Brothers  and Sisters in Christ”….and we are blessed to have them around the table with us.
     So, whether you find yourself in worship every Sunday, or whether you only come to church every once in a while, or whether you have never been in church – or haven’t been in church for a long, long time…….  let me invite… encourage…. nudge… maybe even tug you to go to church this Sunday, Easter Sunday.  There is a concussion of grace, mercy and forgiveness awaiting you there.  Come and experience the shockwave of the resolve and power of God to love you….love you forever.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace,
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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