Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bungee Cord 5-6-12

     We had some folks over for a Kentucky Derby party.  Preparing for the party I discovered that one of the horse’s names was “Rousing Sermon”.  By his name alone, I thought he would be the odds on favorite, but such was not the case.  The day before the race he was listed at 50-1 odds, and by the time of the race his odds had gained some favorability, a mere 35-1, still a longshot to win.         
     As I got to thinking about Rousing Sermon’s odds, it seemed to me that those might be applicable odds for a “rousing sermon” on any given Sunday.  There may be pastors who carry much higher odds for a rousing sermon, but for most of us pastors the number of Sundays  are few that our sermons bring people to the edge of their seats, stir them to uncommon action, their memories etching every word we speak, and after twenty minutes has passed everyone is wishing for twenty more.  My seminary preaching professor said that if a pastor preaches six of those a year, that is doing really well, uncommonly well…let’s see, 52-6….not far from Rousing Sermon’s chance of winning the Derby.
     It is not that we pastors don’t try and have a rousing sermon every Sunday.  But most of us are strapped with limited creativity, limited oratorical skills, limited prowess at turning a phrase, and most of all limited time.  Those might sound like excuses, but as a pastor I know they are the reality that I deal with.  And given those limitations,  it is proof that the Spirit is at work through my words in that I might even have one rousing sermon a year.
     All of this is to say that if you go to church in order to hear a rousing sermon, or if you don’t go because you don’t hear one very often, then I would say that your expectations do not match the betting odds.  So, let me offer other things that you might “bet” on when you come to church.  You can bet that the guilt and weight of  your sins (the things that have come from you that has brought pain to you, your neighbor, and God) that you carried to church will be gone from your shoulders when you leave.  You can bet that your weakened knees and tired heart from the daily battles of life will be strengthened with Christ’s power as he has communed with you at his table.  You can bet that the crushing exhaustion of being looked down upon will be shaken loose from you as the people who have shared Sunday morning with you have loved you in the knowledge that they are no better than you.  You can bet that the loneliness and isolation that may have darkened your life will be incinerated into ashes by the warmth of God’s embrace.  You can bet that the problems of the world that seemed victorious before you came to church will seem fragile and frail as you leave to attack them with the power of God in your.  And the distance that you may have felt between you and God will disappear as God has held you in the palm of his hand in that hour of worship.  You can bet on these things…bet your life on them….the odds of them happening when you come to church are better than 50-1, they are certain, certain because they are what God has promised to give you when you come to church.
     So, let me invite you to church this week…and every week.  You might just beat the odds and experience a rousing sermon, but the odds are more than just in your favor that having come to church when you leave church on Sunday morning you will not be the same as when you came, the world will not be the same as when you came, and the hope to bring grace into this pressure ridden world will not be the same as you came.
     By the way, Rousing Sermon finished 8th…..not bad for the odds he faced.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace,
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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