Monday, August 19, 2013

The Bungee Cord  8-19-13

    The Pittsburgh Steelers hold their training camp in Latrobe, Pa, just over the ridge from our house.  So, last week, when my son and his wife were visiting, we decided to visit the training camp and see what goes on. 
     I was surprised by a couple of things: first, it is amazing how close you can get to the players, closer than you or I could ever get at a football game, and second, IT WAS ALL FREE!  When we ventured onto the grounds we could see people standing on the sidelines and right behind fences that outlined the field.  We took our place in the stands….about 15 rows up at the 50 yard line…in the shade.  Walking down the stairs I immediately spotted Ben Rothlisberger, who must have seen me, because he waved at me.  The split end to whom he was going to throw the ball may have thought that Ben was waving to him, but I know his wave was really directed at me because when I was a pastor in rural Ohio, Ben was the quarterback at the neighboring town’s high school, making Ben and me this close (fingers crossed).  It was great being so close to all the players, seeing them interact with one another, catching the expressions on their faces when their helmets were off, and seeing just how BIG they are.  It was a treat!  AND IT WAS ALL FREE!  No charge for parking.  No charge for the seats.  No charge for autographs.  IT WAS ALL FREE!  Thank you Steelers!
     Maybe it is because it happens so often, I am not as amazed that Sunday after Sunday when I go to church I find myself so close to God Almighty, and like the Steelers training camp, IT IS ALL FREE! *  Sunday after Sunday, God draws nearer to me than I could ever expect as God gathers me around the altar and I receive the body and blood of Jesus in, with, and under the bread and wine of Holy Communion.  And when I come to the altar, God doesn’t just wave at me, instead the word of God is spoken directly to me, “This is my body….this is my blood…given and shed for you.”  Far closer than the 15th row in the stands, every Sunday morning God unites with me in a bond so deep that it is beyond human understanding.    And when God does, I feel the peace of God interacting with me, I experience the joy on the face of God as God takes hold of me with forgiveness, and my wobbling knees are infused with the power of God to set me on my feet again and walk with confidence and hope in my daily life.  What a treat!  AND IT IS ALWAYS FREE!  That is what grace is.  Free, unconditional, unexpected, undeserved love.  Life giving, hope producing, sin erasing, joy exploding, death crushing love.  AND IT IS ALWAYS FREE.  Thank you God!
     It’s amazing!  Sunday is just around the corner!
Have a great week!
God’s grace and peace,
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

*I know that there is an offering collected each week…but notice, no one is ever excluded if they give nothing, no one receives anything greater if they give a lot….the offering that is collected is in truth a response of thanks and personal discipleship.

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