Monday, March 31, 2014

The Bungee Cord   3-31-14

Now that the spring has arrived, all that was hidden under the snow has appeared much to the delight of my dog, Duncan.
A week or so ago Kate let him out to do his morning business.  In addition to doing what he is supposed to do, he also likes to do a bit of exploring around our property.  On that particular morning it was quite apparent that he had explored and his exploration was successful. 
I was just waking up when Duncan came bounding into the room with Kate close on his tail.  As he approached, I was abruptly awakened as if smelling salts had been placed under my nose.  The smell was atrocious.  Rank.  Pungent.  Eye watering.
“He rolled in something,” Kate said, “and I’ve got to get going.  Have fun!”
So, I rolled out of bed and escorted Duncan into the bathtub where after a liberal application of doggy shampoo and a thorough scrubbing, I was willing to be in his presence again.  He doesn’t enjoy baths at all.  He slumps and pouts and is not very cooperative.  After a quick toweling down, he took things into his own hands and shook from head to toe spraying water all over me and the bathroom.  Another mess to clean up.
I followed up with a shower of my own, and went off to work.  Later in the day, I returned, and as usual, I let Duncan out.  He darted out of the house and headed out into the woods.  I called for him, but I may as well have been shouting into the wind as he had no desire to listen to me.  His mind was set….set on rolling in whatever he had rolled in before.  Sure enough, in about 10 minutes he was back carrying that smell that brought gurgles to my stomach.  I threw him in my man cave so he wouldn’t smell the whole house up again, and I went to get the shampoo and hook up the outside hose for his second washing of the day.
 As much as he hates getting sprayed down and soaped up, you would think that he would learn that the odor that he so much enjoys to roll in is not equally admired by me.  I find myself wondering what is it about that smell that is so attractive to him?  I think that the smell comes from something that has died and has begun to rot now that the winter freeze is over.  What is so attractive about rolling around in the smell of death?  It makes no sense to me.
I suspect that God struggles with the same question as God sees us rolling around, over and over again, in the smell of death (“the wages of sin is death” Rom. 6:23).  God must wonder what is so attractive about rolling around in gossip that kills relationships.  God must wonder what is so attractive about rolling around in defaming God’s name bringing death to the hope that so many need.  God must wonder what we find so attractive about the smell of rolling around in greed that has suffocated us and everyone around us?  It must make no sense to God.
Nevertheless, God does for me whom he loves as I do for Duncan whom I love.  He gets out the cleanser – the powerful cleanser of Baptism that has anointed me in a grace that the stench of sin can never fully penetrate, and scrubs me up week after week as he comes to me in, with, and under the bread and wine of his supper.  Although God may not understand why I continue to roll in death, God understands the depth of God’s love for me, a love that will not let the stench of sin keep me from him, nor let the stench of sin expel me from the family of faith.  So every time I roll in death…..God graciously washes me…..washes me clean.
Even I know that the grace of God smells a lot better than the stench of sin, and it is my hope…and God’s hope, too….that the aroma of grace will capture my life and my nose, so that my attraction to rolling around in the stench of death will not be something that I so often dash off to do…..for God’s sake, for your sake, and for my sake, too.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace,

Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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