Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bungee Cord 5-28-14

     Across the table from me this past Saturday at a wedding reception that I attended was a woman in her mid eighties. She was soft spoken, and carried with her an air of gentleness and compassion.  She was kept busy talking to children, grandchildren I suspect, to whom she listened with life and death attention.  The noise of the room overwhelmed her conversation with the children, so I don’t know what they talked about, but whatever it was I am sure that the children felt as though their conversation was the only thing of any importance in the world.
     Next to her was an 89 year old man who had just come home from a walking tour of the Mayan Pyramids in South America.  One day they walked for 6 miles to see the sites.  The woman commented that as much as she might want to do such a thing, she was not able because of Stenosis of her spine that caused her such pain that she often struggled to get out of bed. “I just pray to God,” she said, “that I can at least make it to church every Sunday.”
     In some cultures the words of the elderly are considered wisdom to hold on to.  Though not always so thought of in our culture, as I watched her interact with those around her and the peace, grace, and thankfulness that they gathered in when they were with her, I believed that I was hearing words that were well worth taking into my life as wisdom.
     Of course the wisdom of the world would tell us that there are many other things of import that when time is short, when travel is difficult, when money is tight, or when one has spinal stenosis are worth our every effort to be there.  But I wonder if attending the Super Bowl plants a seed of peace in a person’s life that become a shelter against the howling storms of life?  I wonder if catching every episode of a sitcom can warm one’s life with grace that overcomes the meanness of the world?  I wonder if winning a soccer championship can hold a person together with thankfulness when the world seems to be falling apart?
     I suspect that very few of us, including me, might say as that woman said of her struggle with Spinal Stenosis, “I just pray to God that I can at least make it to church every Sunday.”  But if I remember that whether I go to church every Sunday or on a rare Sunday, God will love me no more or no less (He sent his Son to die for me.  How much more could he love me?)….if I remember that God doesn’t invite me to his house to teach me how to be a good person (There’s plenty of places that I can go to learn how to be good.), but rather to create me anew as a person of God….if I remember that I don’t go to church and give my offering to keep the doors open and pay the light bill, but instead go to express my thankfulness for all God has done for me, none of it earned, none of it deserved….you know what….those words that that 80+ year old woman said seem to make a lot of sense, and carry great wisdom.
     So, stepping into this week….not knowing what will try and capture my time, get in my way, or seek to convince me of its ultimate importance….I pray to God that I can at least make it to church this Sunday.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace,

Pastor Jerry Nuernberger   

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