Monday, June 30, 2014

Bungee Cord 6-30-14

     Merry Christmas!
     Wednesday was Christmas, at least for the high school youth of our church.  Wednesday’s date was June 25, 6 months after the day that most people celebrate Christmas.  Why celebrate Christmas on the 25th of June? 
     That was the question that I am sure was running through the gal’s mind that I asked to write “Merry Christmas” on the 16-inch cookie that I handed her.  “Could you please write Merry Christmas on this cookie,” I asked her to which she responded with a confused look on her face, “Excuse me, did you say ‘Merry Christmas?’”
     “Yeah, Merry Christmas.”
     She raised her eyebrows and with the “the customer is always right” look on her face turned around, went to her icing station, scripted “Merry Christmas” on my cookie, and handed it back to me with a look of concern about my sanity on her face.
     When I went to the check out counter, the cashier ran a bunch of my stuff through her bar code reader, and when she came to my cookie she read the inscription, and with the same look as the icer had when she gave it to me, she cast her glance upon me before registering the cookie.
     The young man who was bagging my groceries was mindlessly filling the blue plastic bags with the hot dogs, and buns and chips, but when he reached for my cookie, he, too, gave me a look of wonderment of my mental stability.
     I smiled at the both of them as I left the grocery store.
     I invited the high school youth up to my house for the Christmas party.  We put up a tree, decorated it with portraits we made of each other by passing around a piece of paper and sequentially drawing one facial feature of the person whose name was on the paper until the portrait was complete, and we placed the presents that we had brought (articles of clothing that the youth went out and bought that they would want to wear) around the tree.  We opened the presents which would be going to the local clothing outlet, sang “Happy Birthday” to Jesus, dined on tube steaks and chips, and deserted on our “Merry Christmas” cookie.
     Why celebrate Christmas on June 25th?
     Because Christmas is not just one day of the year.  In truth, it is every day.  Every day Jesus comes into our lives with the transforming grace of God.  Every day Jesus incarnates our lives with forgiveness that puts the past behind us, and with love that shapes the future.  Every day Jesus pours himself into our lives with uninhibited generosity, filling our cup to overflowing.
     That is why the high schoolers were asked to go and buy an article of clothing that they would want to wear which would be given to the local clothing shelter.  Poverty in and of itself can be rather dehumanizing, and when the impoverished teens of our town go to the clothing shelter to find clothing, only to find clothing that someone doesn’t want to wear anymore, the dehumanization of poverty mounts. 
     The birth of Jesus is the pinnacle of humanization, but when the high school kids of Greensburg come to the clothing shelter to find clothing maybe they will hear a whisper of how valuable they are when they see the brand new clothes from Old Navy, Aeropostal, and AF.
     Why celebrate Christmas on June 25th?  Because Jesus advents our life every day, and every day there are people all around us for whom the good news of God’s love for them has yet to be tangibly felt.
     Have a great week….Merry Christmas!
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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