Monday, August 3, 2015

The Bungee Cord  8-3-15

I went to the Pittsburgh Steelers’ training camp on Friday.  A friend from Sioux Falls who grew up in this area had come to visit, and just by chance his visit coincided with the Steelers’ training camp that they conduct in Latrobe, a town just over the ridge from me.
It so happened that Friday was a unique day on their training camp schedule as the practice was to take place at night in the local high school stadium.  Usually the practices are held at the local college, St. Vincent’s, and usually they take place in the afternoon….in the blazing sun.  Not knowing how packed the house would be, we arrived shortly after the gates opened at 5:00, found ourselves prime seats where we could lean back against the stadium wall, and enjoy the nice evening weather, the country-rock band and Steeler drum line, and watch the variety of people fill the stands, almost all of them decked out in gold and black.
At about 6:45 a police car blazing its red and blue lights came into view, and behind it a line of busses resembling a circus line of elephants marching with trunks clasping tails.  The first bus was the Mr. Rogers Trolley (Mr. Rogers was born in Latrobe…as was Arnold Palmer…but he doesn’t have a trolley or  bus) and in it rode the coaching staff.  Following it were 6 yellow school busses carrying the players.  The crowd broke into cheers as the players entered the field carrying their shoulder pads through the tunnel of Latrobe High School Cheerleaders dressed in Steeler colors.  True Steeler fans were listing off the players as they watched them walk onto the field, but me….the only Steeler I know by face is Ben Roethlisberger….and apparently for dramatic flair he strode onto the field last.
Practice began with gentle warm ups and stretching, but soon it elevated into some serious hitting and thrashing as the time came to commence the challenge to make the team.  Over the next several weeks the hundred or so guys that were out there would be whittled down to less than 50.  So with lifelong dreams treasured in their hearts, these muscular monsters started to throw their weight around.  Crashing into one another trying to keep from being the one finding himself belly up on the ground.  Coaches yelling.  Shoulder pads crunching.  Muscles being pummeled and bruised.  Its hard work, and only the best will make it….everyone else gets cut.
It seems to me that the Christian life is often portrayed as akin to a football training camp.  Many speak of the Christian life as if it was meant to be years and years of being thrashed around, withstanding the ramrod of temptation, enduring the tirades of God’s anger, and hoping not to be the one found belly up and cut from the team.
I know that a lot of people say that that is what the Christian life is meant to be, but I don’t think so.  Sure the Christian life is full of bangs and bruises, hungry tempters, and the harsh voice of guilt and shame shouting at you from the world when you fail.  But it is not a training camp in which you are working to prove yourself worthy of making the team…why?....Because you are already on the team!  “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called Children of God, and that is what we are.” (1 John 3:1) When Jesus stood toe to toe on the cross in a battle to the death with every evil that might try to claim us for its team, he slammed every one of them to the ground, leaving them breathless and belly up, and he gathered us onto his team….on his team not because of our strength and might to endure a training camp, but because of the strength and might of his love that will not let anything or anyone separate us from him. (Romans 8)
The Christian life, then, is a life that is shaped and molded by the one who has put us on his team.  Sharing with us his love so that we might love likewise.  Nourishing us with his grace so that we might grace-fully stride in the world.  Coming to us when we have been knocked down and picking us up, healing our bruises and saying, “Let’s try that one again.”
The Christian life is not a religious training camp where heaven’s jersey hangs in balance.  No, it is a life of living in the Kingdom of Heaven, clothed and gowned in grace and mercy of God where the game never ends and the victory has already been won.  The Christian life is not a training camp where one fights to get or keep their place on the team…, the Christian life is game day every day filled with the hope of the victory that has already been won and the thrill of carrying that victory into the world so the whole world may live in that unshakable hope.
Hut!  Hut! Hike!  That’s the Christian life.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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