Monday, January 25, 2016

Bungee Cord 1-25-16

     I have heard many people say that they don’t need Jesus to make it through life, and truthfully, I have to say that they are probably right.
     This past weekend brought a fall of snow upon us Easterners the likes of which many haven’t seen for a long time.  More than 2 feet fell upon the Nuernberger house and hill in Stahlstown, Pa.  Saturday afternoon, as the snow was still coming down, my wife and I decided that there was no time like the present to see if we could make our way out to civilization.
     Those of you who have been to our house know that we live on top of a hill with about a half a mile serpentine lane to and from the main road.  Always having been able to plow ourselves out, we set out with determination to conquer this storm.  Unfortunately, we discovered that the 2 feet of snow was mightier than our tractor and after working for three hours and only making it about a quarter of the way down the hill and the path that we had made was not traversable by car or truck….we surrendered.  I made several calls to people in my congregation to tell them that I was snowbound and would not be able to make it to worship in the morning.  They rallied the troops and prepared to have worship without me.
     So, Sunday morning I got out of bed, participated in worship via the internet with a congregation in Mankato, Minnesota (a place that is used to 2 feet of snow…and I have to say that although I was thankful for the time spent with them over the internet, my belief was supported that it just doesn’t match being at church), and then put on my snow gear to go out and wrestle with the snow again.  As my wife and I worked, she on the tractor and me scooping stone, throwing it under the tires, and digging down into the snow to find the side of the lane…we began to make some progress.  Inching…and I mean inching…our way down our lane.  After about two hours we had reworked our work from Saturday, and had made it about another 50 yards.  We were making progress….and I had great hope that eventually…eventually we would make our way out.
     Then on a glance down the hill I saw a well welcomed sight.  There, making its way up our lane was a plow equipped truck!  It, too, was struggling its way through the snow making runs that would only move the pile a few feet.  But they were making progress…more significant and less laborious progress than we were.  It was our neighbor Ralph who had enlisted one of his neighbors to come and dig us out.  To say that I was thankful is far to mild a word.  Had I not been worn our from my digging and not be standing in two feet of snow, I would have danced with joy.
     So, my wife and I backed our little tractor up the path we had made and watched with delight as Ralph copiloted the plow  widening our bucket-wide effort past us on its way up to our house.  Alleluia!
     The truth is, we probably could have and would have cleared out narrow path from our house to the road without Ralph and his truck driving neighbor….but this is certain: I am very thankful that they arrived and helped us out!
     Can a person make it through life without Jesus?  I am pretty sure that a person can…but I know that when I have found myself plowing through the blizzard of my life, wearingly inching my way through waist high snow, battling the cold wind of the world….I am thankful that there is one whose power and might comes to open a path of forgiveness, hope, and peace for me.  I am thankful …very thankful…that Jesus comes to help me make it through life.  Alleluia!
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)

Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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