Monday, February 22, 2016

Bungee Cord  2-22-16

     Is Donald Trump a Christian?
     Maybe a better question for me to ask is, “Am I a Christian?”
     If being a Christian means being a “little Christ”, and that is what Christian means, would it be said of me that I am one?  Well, it doesn’t take a very in depth look at my life to cause question.  I can’t say that I am very apt to say of those who are hurting me, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing.”  I can’t say that when push comes to shove I am not very apt to, “deny myself.”  I can’t say that when things get tough I am apt to proceed with the depth of courage that should flow from, “I am with you always.”  I suspect that there are many times that Jesus looks at me and says to me as he did to Peter, “Get behind me Satan.  Your mind is not on divine things, but on human things.”
     Sure, the reflection of Christ makes it to the surface of my life sometimes….maybe even quite a bit of the time, but the question of my Christianity can still easily called into question depending upon where the line is drawn on being Christ-like enough.  Of course, I would tend to draw that line beneath the evidence of my life.  But for those of whom their suffering is still beyond my attention, those whose sins are still beyond my forgiveness, and those whose fears do not touch my heart….I bet that they, and rightly so, would probably draw a line above what I have done or what I will ever do.  One look at my life puts my Christianity in question.
     Many of you know that I have three sons, all three of whom bear my name, and all three of whom – no matter what they do – will always be looked upon by me as Nuernbergers.  They are “my guys”, and I tell them so every time that I end my phone calls with them, “You’re my guy.  Love ya.”  There is absolutely no question in my mind that they are Nuernbergers, through and through – not by virtue of what they do, but by virtue of who they are.
     So, for me, the question of my Christianity is not answered primarily by what I do, but by who I am.  And who am I?  I am one for whom God sent his Son, Jesus, to die.  I am one who was splashed with a divinely saturated claim, “I give you my name.  You are mine.”  I am one who is so treasured that the one who calls me by name would leave 99 to find me and lay down his life when the wolf comes prowling to save me.  I am the one finds a seat saved for me at the table of the Lord.  I am the one who has heard the promise of an eternal room in God’s eternal mansion, a room prepared for me, and a room to which I will be escorted by Jesus, himself.  That is who I am.  Sounds “Christian” to me.
     And here’s my hope.  I hope that as Christ enfolds my hardened heart in his hands his grace with soften it and shape it into one that beats as his.  I hope that as Christ continues to speak his cross-born promise in my ears, that my mind will merge with the mind of Christ.  I hope that as Christ keeps calling me to where he is at work among the suffering, that my hands will bear the callousses that cover his nail scarred hands.  My hope is that as Christ lives with me, and I live with Christ, the evidence of who God has made me to be will be found more readily in my life.
     Is Donald Trump a Christian?  Am I a Christian?  Are you a Christian?  The answer, I believe, is found in whom God has named each to be…..bearers of his name.  And I confidently trust that God will never give up completely investing himself in each until the evidence of his claim is seen in each life.
     Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)

Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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