Yesterday as I was on my way to church, I was called an “a##h%$e”.
Let me tell you what happened. The current church that I am serving is about an hour and half away from my house, and the route that I take to get there is nearly entirely two lane roads. Because of the distance, I always leave a bit earlier than necessary just in case I encounter some sort of delay, which happened yesterday. Two-thirds the way to the church we came upon a stoppage of traffic. Cars were parked along both sides of the road for a good mile or so, and people were walking back to their cars with gizmos and gadgets in their hands. Having seen this sight before, I assumed it was a farm sale. Upon more careful inspection, it became clear that it was some sort of massive rummage sale taking place at the local volunteer fire department. A fund raiser, I suspected.
The reason for the stoppage of traffic was the fact that there was a one lane road going into the parking lot, and those who wanted to enter from the high-way were being blocked by those who were trying to get out. I suppose that I was about the sixth or seventh car from the cause of the blockage, and so I took to waiting to see if the ketchup might start to flow. But it did not. There was a car that was not moving at the beginning of the line, even though an occasional car exited from the lot. The pick-up in front of me decided that he had waited long enough, and on several occasions tried to move into the oncoming lane to get around the blockade, but was forced back into line by cars that had finally exited the sale. Not giving up, finally an opening came that allowed him to pass and continue his journey.
Having seen the pick-up accomplish his departure from the clog, I decided that I, too, would give it a try. So, when a break came, I pulled into the oncoming lane and almost made it to the front of the line, only to be met by a pick-up starting to come out of the sale. Since I had almost escaped, I lightly tooted my horn, and the pick-up stopped and began to back up.
Just then, a man dressed in a fire fighters jacket came running onto the road and with smoke billowing from his ears and lifting his arms above his head in anger yelled at me, “Hey! What are you doing?”
Almost free from the jam, I slowly kept going forward, and as I passed him, I, in my clerical collar, rolled down my window and calmly said to him, “You’re blocking traffic and I need to be somewhere.”
That is when as I was passing him he yelled at me, “You a##h%$e!”
I don’t know that I deserved that title because of my deeds yesterday, but that is what he named me. Actually, I am sure that there are other times in my weeks that I am so named by the world, but I just don’t hear it. Unfortunately, I have to admit, that sometimes that moniker might just be well deserved. After all, I am a sinner, and my deeds can reflect that reality. I can be self-centered. I can be judgmental. I can be prideful. I can be ……, the list goes on and on. In truth, there are times when I deserve to be called “a##h%$e” by the world.
Interestingly enough, after being dubbed “a##h%$e” by the voice of the world yesterday, twenty minutes later I found myself in a place where I heard another name cast upon me, a name that I absolutely do not deserve, “Beloved.” I arrived at the church, walked in, and as I was conducting the worship service, I heard that God so loved me, that he sent his Son to die and rise for me, that I might be in God’s embrace, forever. “Beloved.”
Why does God so name me? Certainly, not because I, who have a history of faithful infidelity, of mischievous wandering, infliction of pain, and even divine backstabbing deserved such a name. But God names me “beloved” because …. Well, because God does! God looks at me, as insignificant as I am in the universe and as pesky as I am in the universe, and says, “This one I love.” Amazing!
As I think of who I would like to be, I would rather be a “beloved” than an “a##h%$e”. I would rather be one who brings divine hope, peace, joy, love, and mercy into the world than one who brings excrement into peoples’ lives. Thing is, as I spend my time in the world, the world does not always bring out the best in me, actually it tends to bring out the worst. But as I spend time with God, the one who sees me as beloved, I find the merciful hands of God shaping me to be one who is the bearer of the name God has given me.
I am thankful that after being named a name yesterday that I all too often deserve but really dislike, I heard myself being named yesterday a name that I certainly do not deserve but hopefully will take hold of my life.
“Beloved.” That is God’s name for you, too!
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger
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