The Bungee Cord 9-1-20
If you are a regular reader of the Bungee Cord, you know that I stand outside in front of the church and wave at people before the service. I don’t wave at them to try and get them to come to our worship service (although that would be fine), I wave at them as a gesture of God’s grace, hoping that they see that they are counted as someone in the eyes of God no matter how busy or difficult their world might be.
So, as usual, I was out waving at people this past Sunday, and a white SUV stopped. This car has stopped a couple of times before, and when it has stopped an elderly man got out to tell me how much my waving meant to him. And so that is what happened this time. After it stopped, the elderly man got out, but this time it wasn’t to thank me. It was to tell me a joke. I saw this as giving me a gesture of God’s grace. Thank you, sir.
Let me extend that grace to you.
There was a man who went out in the ocean in his boat, and he got caught in a terrible storm – a Gilligan’s Island storm. After the storm subsided, he found himself washed up on a small island. Years and years went by as he made his life on the island. But one day, a small boat came along, and when it did, he ran to the beach and waved the boat down. He was seen by the captain of the boat and the boat came ashore.
When the captain of the boat came ashore, the man gave him a big hug, and said, “You don’t know how long I have been waiting for this day.” And then he said, “Can I show you how I have survived?”
“Of course,” said the captain and the man led him over to the house that he had built.
“You did a fine job of building yourself a house,” said the captain.
And pointing him to a building about 50 yards away, the man said to the captain, “And that building, that is the church that I built.”
“Wow,” said the captain, “What a wonderful church you built.”
The man started gathering up his belongings and the two of them started making their way toward the rescue boat, when the captain spied another building about 100 yards away, and he said to the man, “I see another building. What is that?”
And the man said, “Oh. That is the church that I used to go to.”
Hope you had a laugh full of God’s grace during these days of Covid’s cover.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger
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