The Bungee Cord 6-20-22
A couple of weekends ago, I passed my 39 anniversary of pastoral ministry. It has not been boring! Standing with families in their deepest moments of grief. Splashing the waters of God’s claiming grace on people of all ages. Going with high school youth to high adventure places. Listening to the wisdom of an elderly sage as I brought communion. Moving to towns and neighborhoods far aflung from my suburban Chicago roots. Finding myself praying with someone who has ruined their life. Belly laughing with a parishioner when I did something with the grace of an elephant. It has not been boring!
Several times over the course of my ministry I have told my congregations that I am not at all interested in institutional survival, what I am interested in is keeping the Good News of Jesus Christ proclaimed. To me it is a horse and cart thing, and as it is said, “It’s important to put the horse in front of the cart.” As I see it, Jesus, and the life changing story of his life, death and resurrection is the horse. It is the energy, the power and the driving force that propels the work of God’s people as they gather in communities of faith, the cart.
Someone did a study some years ago, and the studiers asked people who were not attending a church what their number one impression of the church is, and a vast majority of people responded by saying, “All the church wants me for is my money.” Truthfully, I can see why. When the fall comes around and churches are doing their stewardship campaigns (usually involving pledging of money) people get a letter (the only letter they get from the church) or a phone call (the only phone call from the church) asking for their pledge. They get notices of fund raising events asking for contributions. And even in leadership meetings, I have heard leaders say that if the church is going to survive we need the people who are just going along for the ride to start carrying their weight.
And this is where I have gotten myself in trouble. I say to these sort of things, “I went to seminary to be a Pastor, not an oral surgeon.” I am not a tooth puller. What I am is someone whose life has been changed by the grace of God in Jesus Christ. I am someone who rests in the promise that Jesus laid down his life for me, and that is a deed of divine love that can never be taken from me. I am someone who when I look in the mirror sees all too clearly the pain that I have brought others, myself and God, and I hear God say that those things do not have their name on me, but God has placed his name on me, Child of God. I am one who steps into each day girded by the powerful words of Jesus, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” I am one who has been picked up over and over again when I have stumbled and fallen, and every time hearing the confident call of Jesus, “Follow me.” I am one who sees the evil in the world, and no matter how monstrous that evil may be, I can face that evil with the assuredness of the resurrection knowing, “Evil, your days are numbered.”. I am one who was lost, and was found. I was one who was dead, and is now alive. I am one who was a nobody speck of carbon in the universe, and now I am a beloved child of God. I am thankful. I am thankful.
I am a pastor. Someone who has been called to be part of God’s adventure of grace and mercy in this world. I am a rock that God has thrown into this pond, and through me God is rippling waves of love from shore to shore, waves that he began with his big rock, Jesus. I believe that God is stirring up the water to give bounce to our lives, direction to our motion, and energy to our days. And it is my hope that this Bungee Cord is a rock of grace that God has thrown into your life, stirring up hope and joy and thanks in you.
And to those who worry about the survival of the church, who think we need to be pulling teeth, giving the impression that all we want people for is their money, l invite them to read the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19), Jesus didn’t pull a single tooth there. Thankful people, live thankfully….that’s what I believe.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger
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