The Bungee Cord 11-7-22
Last Wednesday I was blowing some leaves out from under a table that sits on our patio, and suddenly I felt something attach itself to my upper lip. As I was attempting to swat it off, I felt a sting. A bee. Now, I have been stung by bees before on other places of my body, and the sting brings with it a pinch that lasts a short while. This time, even though I rushed to get some ice to put on my lip, the stinging continued (actually until the next morning), my lip swelled up, and I had some difficulty speaking clearly. Even today, my lip has the waning feeling of a shot of Novocain which was far more pronounced for a couple of days after the sting.
Since the stinging went on, I googled, “What should I do if a bee stings my lip?” I found out some interesting things. Apparently, bees actually aim for lips and noses. They hone in on breath to make their attack. When they sting the stinger remains in the target, releasing venom, and when a bee’s venom oozes into a lip, it causes swelling, and it causes pain that can last up to 48 hours. Tylenol can help to ease the pain, and Benadryl can help with the swelling, but as I have found out that ultimately, one just has to live with the effects of the sting for several days. So far, six days for me. Who would have ever believed that a thing as small as a bee and its stinger could wreak such havoc.
When I look at the world around me, I find myself often caught in similar disbelief. Who would have thought that something as small as a little sin and its sting could wreak such havoc? The Bible speaks of the havoc of sin and its sting, “The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.” (1 Cor. 15:56) Death, says the Bible, like an angry bee is on the attack, with a sting of sin that brings pain, suffering, and ultimately death to its victims. We see the truth of this born daily borne out in our world. One little stinging sin of a lie can cause lasting pain and even the death of trust. One little stinging sin of making a god of something not worthy of that name (alcohol, job, fortune, excitement) can cause lasting pain and even death when that god falls short of its claim of power. One little stinging sin of violence can cause lasting pain and even death in communities and the world when the match of cruelty is lit. It is amazing what havoc death’s sting of sin can make.
Like a bee stung lip, death’s sting of sin brings lingering pain and swelling, numbing us to the life around us. But unlike a bee sting to which our only recourse is to live with it until it is gone, that is not the case with death’s sting of sin. Hear the words that surround the Bible verse I cited above,
“‘Death has been swallowed up in victory.’
55 ‘Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?’
56The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
The good news is that the blood that streamed down Jesus body as he hung on the cross was a divine remedy to death’s sting. It was a remedy, that when applied, has the power to take away the pain, swelling and numbness of the sting of sin, and that remedy is forgiveness, unconditional forgiveness. So powerful is that cross squeezed forgiveness that no trace of the sting remains, and death has lost its power. Lost its power to ruin trust and relationships. Lost its power to destroy violence and hate. Lost its power to silence any other god who might seek to kidnap your life.
When applied, the balm of divine forgiveness restores life. Life in one’s heart. Life in families. Life in communities. Life even across the world. As much as I have seen death’s sting of sin do its work of misery, I have seen the power of God’s balm of cross-born forgiveness bringing life.
So, when sin has stung you and you feel the pain, swelling and numbness that it brings, take a moment and apply God’s forgiveness to that sting and feel the healing at work.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger
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