In today’s Bungee Cord, I thought I would take on a big question: Why do I believe in God?
Well, of this I am sure, it is not because it is easy to believe in God, nor is it because I want to believe in God. It seems to me that in the day in which we live, it is actually easier not to believe in God. Considering the multitude of suffering that is all too easy to see and the increased understanding of the world around us, belief in God is not automatic. If there is a God, how can all this bad happen? If God is the answer to unanswered questions (a once common perspective, but one that I don’t share), the more questions we answer, the less the “need” for God.
Further, although some psychologists might call me to task on this, I don’t believe in God because I want some cosmic blank-ie in which to wrap myself in this cold universe. As I have aged, I have become all the more aware of my insignificance in the larger picture of creation, and I am not afraid of that reality. I don’t fear death, either. As one who lives with the uninvited guest of depression in my life, death’s sting doesn’t pack much of a punch. Of course, I don’t want the door of my life to close on my relationships and blessings, but the closing of that door will also slam shut the pain of depression. (I have to say, that thanks to medication, therapy, and engaging in life, my depression is being well managed now.)
So, if what I have said is true, and it is, why do I believe in God? The short answer is this; God wants me to believe. As an earthly parent, I have come to understand the connection that one has with the “bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh”. When their hearts stir with joy, so does mine. When they stumble and get scraped, I tangibly feel their pain. It doesn’t matter how big or small they are in the world. They are my sons. I love them. I am with them, heart and soul. My sons are of immeasurable value to me, and I want them to know that.
I have come to believe that is akin to the experience that God has with me. So zealously does God want me to know not just of God, but to know God that God raised Jesus from the dead and shattered the barrier of time and space when Jesus ascended from this small dot in the universe. If there is truth to the story of Jesus, then there must be truth to the existence of God. This is the same sort of logic that the Apostle Paul uses in 1 Corinthians 15.15-25 when speaking about the possibility of resurrection. In short, Paul says, how can you say there is no resurrection of the dead, when Jesus has indeed been resurrected.
But more than just believing in God, Jesus is the prime witness to the character of this God who sees God’s image in you and me. And that character is grace. God is not one who sits back and callously spectates the events of God’s creation. God is not one who keeps a running score for each person who is part of God’s ongoing work. God is not one who abusively lashes out in anger when things are not going as God wishes. No, God is one who will not let anything in all of creation sever God from those who bear God’s name, children of God. God takes it all on God’s self….that is grace.
I believe in God because of Jesus. I believe in the graciousness of God because of Jesus. And because of this, I believe there is hope to guide my days, peace to fill my heart, and love to share in the world. Truthfully, if the story of Jesus is true, and the power of the story to give new life causes me to see truth in it, it seems to me , even in the face of the struggles and sufferings in the world, that it is actually hard to not believe in God.
That’s why I believe in God.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger
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