Monday, October 30, 2023

 The Bungee Cord. 10-30-23

Are you saved?
I’ve seen this question scrawled across billboards on highways. I’ve heard people ask that of others. I’ve had people ask it of me. Even though it is often a question that Christians pose to others, I am not quite sure what is being asked.
Are you saved? In my experience, I would say that most often this question can be rephrased to, “Are you going to heaven after you die?” For those of us who are older, this understanding is clearly what is behind Rev. Billy Graham’s asking it, and I think it is what is being asked on all those highway billboard signs, because often in the background of the sign are the flames of hell.
In the Bible, the Apostle Paul talks a lot about being saved. One of the more prominent times is Ephesians 2.8: “For by grace you have been saved through faith.” When I carefully read Paul’s writings, what Jesus says, and the rest of the Bible, it is clear to me that although “being saved” involves going to heaven, being saved is far more than just getting something (heaven) after we die. Being saved is much more like being chosen by the kid in school that no one would dare mess around with to be their best friend.
Being saved is when something that you have done that has brought pain to you and others tries to tackle you to the ground and pin you down, and the savior comes along and tears that bully off of you and sets you back on your feet. Being saved is when you’ve tripped up and fallen into a shark tank, and as the sharks are slicing their way toward you, you feel an arm reaching into the waters and pulling you out. Being saved is when you have made such a fool of yourself that everyone else walks to the other side of the street when they meet you, but the savior comes running to embrace you and walk stride with stride with you. Being saved is when you stand covered in skunk spray in the presence of God almighty and you hear, “I love you more than life itself.” Being saved is when you hear that same one stand between you and anything else that would want to stake their claim … including death…on you say, “This one is mine, and I’ll never give this one up.” Being saved is far more than going to heaven after you die.
Something that has happened over the centuries, it seems to me, is that Christianity has become a way… or the way…to get into heaven, that is, be saved. But it is clear to me that Jesus brought about a salvation that is a far greater thing…to live and die transformed by the grace of God……to fill every moment of time with eternity, with divine hope and peace bubbling over, ….to pour Christlike courage and mercy to overflowing in every heart, …….and to be created anew to abide with God forever. That’s being saved.
Am I saved? Are you saved? I guess the one who can best answer that question is the one who is holding the saved in his hands. “Jesus, am I saved? “ By the blood that dripped from the cross, by the tomb that was empty after three days, by the promise-filled water that splashed over my head, by the presence filled bread and wine that weekly slides down my throat….the answer is more than clear to me. “You are my son…my daughter, my beloved, the one in whom I am well pleased.” Saved!
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger
May be an image of 1 person, skydiving and fire

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