The Bungee Cord 4-1-24
Christ is risen…..INDEED!
• It is not just a lie that was begun by 12 disheartened followers. Christ is risen INDEED!
• It is not the psychotic delusion of a bunch of awkward outsiders. Christ is risen INDEED!
• It is not a hyped-up slogan for an institution to build its ranks on. Christ is risen IDEED!
• It is not some sort of panacea to calm the nerves of death fearing people. Christ is risen INDEED!
• It is not the projection in the minds of people who need a crutch to live. Christ is risen INDEED!
• It is not piece of heavenly pie for those whose life is hard. Christ is risen INDEED!
• It is not rose-colored sunglasses made to help people see a silver lining in cloudy days. Christ is risen INDEED!
• It is not snake oil salve to keep people from worrying about burning in hell as Ronald Reagan, Jr. would have us believe. Christ is risen INDEED!
• It is not a feathery pillow of dreams to cushion the hammer blows of the world. Christ is risen INDEED!
• It is not sappy saccharine coating to sweeten up the sour taste of life. Christ is risen INDEED!
• It is not a diabolical piece of brainwashing used to control people. Christ is risen INDEED!
• It is not an explanation from a time when superstitions and simple-mindedness was common. Christ is rise INDEED!
• It is not lemonade made out of lemons. Christ is risen INDEED!
What it is….is the truth.
• It is an event in the history of the universe that has changed the course of everything for all time.
• It is the thing that brings everything that has happened into focus and gives a focus for everything that is to come.
• It is the thing that stakes a claim of God’s embrace on all humanity that can never be taken away.
• It is the event that struck a tuning fork sending an ever-ringing pitch of divine love and mercy into all time and space.
• It is the dropping of an atomic bomb of grace that has forever changed the way we live our lives.
• It is an earth-hitting strike of eternal lightning sending a cosmic rumble of hope crumbling every speck of despair in the universe.
Christ is risen!
He is risen INDEED!
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger
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