Monday, November 25, 2024

 The Bungee Cord. 11-25-24

“I’m Ronald Reagan (Jr.), a lifelong atheist, not afraid of burning in hell.”
Maybe you have heard this quote that ends a commercial for an organization that works to keep religion out of government, a noble effort in my mind. I have heard it more times than I can remember or like. The thing that bothers me most about this quote is that it is said so smugly, almost arrogantly. The last time I heard this commercial, there was a new addition to it, a remark touting the upswing in the number of folks claiming, “None,” when asked what religion they were.
Usually, when I hear such smugness and arrogance I don’t respond to it, realizing that such kind of speaking has a way of finding itself being flushed into septic systems. However, the problem with any kind of arrogance and smugness is that they are like hairballs in a drain, gathering up all sorts of debris and clogging everything up. When that happens, people stop talking and listening to each other. People start avoiding each other. People stop caring about each other.
As I wrote in last week’s Bungee Cord, I believe that the question of the existence of God is worthy of discussion, a discussion where I find Jesus to be the hinge pin in my understanding and belief. Personally, I find a thoughtful and respectful challenge to my conclusion to be helpful. It makes me clarify my thinking. It makes me contextualize my thinking. It makes me have a better understanding of others. It brings life to my faith.
I know that Christians, and maybe I, too, am guilty of smugness and arrogance. I believe that is what Ronald Reagan, Jr. is responding to. He has heard a “Christian” message that is full of fear and anger, “Turn or burn!” It is a message that feels like it comes from folks who view themselves above others. It is received as coming from one who is looking down their nose. Obviously, there are many who believe that this is the Christian witness, but as you might surmise, I do not.
When I read the Bible, I do not see God’s work in Jesus as an attempt to scare us out of hell. I see God’s work in Jesus as a means of loving us into heaven…the kingdom of heaven. In Matthew, Jesus regularly speaks of the kingdom of heaven, not as a place, but as an existence, an existence of living under the love and grace of God, now and forever. In this existence, we see clearly how each of us are people who live short of the glory of God, a shortfall in which it doesn’t matter the degree of shortage. Just like when you build a bridge, in the end it doesn’t matter if you are a football field short of your span, or an inch short. But the wonder of God is that no shortage is too big for God to gather us into his grace. As the Bible says, “6 For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7Indeed, rarely will anyone die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person someone might actually dare to die. 8But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us.” (Romans 5). When I see what God has done, smugness and arrogance are erased, and thanksgiving and gratitude are replaced.
If a smug and arrogant message is all that Ronald Reagan, Jr. and all the rest of the “None’s” which he rejoices in have heard, I don’t blame him or blame them for their response. I, too, might find myself among those who smugly are “not afraid of burning in hell.”
But I wonder what their response might be if they heard the Christian message that I have heard? A message that sees no one as better than another. A message that speaks of God’s love that is totally self-giving on God’s behalf. A message that feels another’s pain and loneliness and incarnates itself there. A message that isn’t a light at the end of the tunnel, but rather is a light that comes into the tunnel and burns brightly there. A message that proclaims that you don’t need to be afraid of burning in hell, because you can rejoice that God is determined to love you into heaven.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger
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