The Bungee Cord. 12-30-24
“Keep Christ in Christmas!”
As the world has more and more gotten its fingers into Christmas, many Christians trumpet the reminder of what Christmas is originally all about: Jesus Christ. Frosty the Snowman, sleigh rides, Silver Bells, Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer, Home Alone, holiday giving, and even Santa Claus may all carry the spirit of Christmas, but it is the nativity of Jesus Christ that is the “reason for the season”. So, for some of those who seek to maintain the basis of Christmas, they faithfully proclaim to the world, “Keep Christ in Christmas!”
It may come to you as somewhat of a surprise, but although I support their reminder of Christmas’ foundation, Jesus Christ, I find myself not joining in the cause of those who declare “Keep Christ in Christmas”. Here’s the reason: Christ’s presence in Christmas is not for us to keep, it is and was and will be for Christ to keep. To some, this may seem like a petty semantical point, but I think not. It is not a small thing or a matter of words when our words betray an essential truth about God, and that truth is that the Bible shows to us from the beginning to the end of Scripture that we do not control where God wishes to be and what God wishes to do. It is clear to me that God is doggedly determined to embrace us in his grace and mercy, to love us “nomatterwhat”, so that God will not let anything stop him from doing so. Jesus, the Son of God, did not come to save the people (that is what “Jesus” means”) because we allowed it to happen. God did not take on flesh and bone, be incarnated, because anyone said or did the right or faithful things. The point that I am trying to make is that one of the most important things about Christmas is that Christ is in Christmas because Christ stepped into Christmas. Christmas is Christ’s. Christ keeps himself there.
That is important to soak deeply into our lives and proclaim boldly to the world, because it is at the heart of the hope that we find in Jesus. If it were up to us to “keep Christ” in things, we would find ourselves in great jeopardy. When tragedy hits and our future looks bleak, who among us has the power to keep Christ there? When sins mess up our lives with such a stench, who among us would be able to persuade Christ to keep himself in our cesspool. When we are drawing our last breath and we are soon to be “earth to earth, dust to dust”, who among us can provide the reason for Jesus to care about us? No one does.
However, that is the wonder of Christmas, and the Christian faith. Christ has the power to do so, and God in Jesus Christ has irrevocable chosen to do so. God cannot undo the incarnation. God cannot undo the life of Jesus. God cannot undo the death on a cross of Jesus. And God cannot undo the resurrection from the dead of Jesus. God has chosen to be with us, and that is a choice that God cannot undo. It is God who keeps Jesus in Christmas and every day of our lives, not us, and in that we have hope that nothing in life or death can shake.
Know this: from the very beginning, the forces of the world have tried to kick Jesus out, even to the point of crucifying him and sealing him in a tomb, and the world failed. The world hasn’t given up trying. So, when the world comes a’pounding on your door, trying to kick Jesus out… don’t have to go to church more, read the Bible more, pray more, be a better witness of Christ’s love to the world (of course, all of these things are good to do) to keep Jesus in your life. Jesus has chosen to make his home in you, and he is not moving out!
So, rather than telling the world to “Keep Christ in Christmas”, let me invite you to tell the truth of Jesus that will be an explosion of hope, “Rejoice! Christ is in Christmas!”
Have a great week,
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger
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