The Bungee Cord. 2-17-25
In the early 2000’s I was interviewing at a church that was interested in me to be their pastor. In the denomination to which I belong, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, interested churches form what is called a “call” committee to interview potential pastors. This committee ranges from six to twelve members is usually comprised of various ages, vocations, and interests in hopes that the questions that it might ask would cover the breadth of the congregation. I have found these interviews to be a wonderful time for the sharing of minds and lives.
As this particular interview went along, they asked me all sorts of questions about my previous congregations, how I might address the issues their congregation was struggling with, and some things about myself. Then I was asked a question which I had never been asked before, “What do you think about this gay issue?”
Actually, it was a timely question, because the denomination to which I belong was doing a study on human sexuality, which included things like living out one’s sexual life with respect for the other, the importance of family (in whatever configuration that family might have), the place that abortion might or might not have in pregnancy, and many other things of this sort…..including the “gay issue.”
Having not been asked this question before, I paused a bit before I answer it, and then I said, “Well, I believe they are people.”
I don’t remember what the committee’s response was. It seems to me that there was a brief silence. I don’t think it was the kind of answer that they were expecting. I think they were expecting me to express my opinion on the rightness/wrongness of being gay and my opinion on how the church should treat gays. I don’t think they were expecting me to say, “Well, I believe they are people.”
Unfortunately, at least in my mind, the world tries to label people and put them in categories. Sometimes that is helpful like “infected with covid” so that others do not get infected, but in addition to any helpfulness when a person is put into a labeled category the tendency is to forget that when we deal with a category or label, we are not dealing with statistics, or amorphous blobs. Instead, we are dealing with people. People who feel pain and sorrow. People who are trying to be counted as somebody. People who are loved and who love.
It is far easier to be callous to a category. It is far easier to put up fences around categories. It is far easier to feel no connection to a category. It is far easier to look upon a category as the enemy, or a bunch of freeloaders, or a just a number.
But when I read the Bible, I see Jesus breaking down categories into what comprises them, people. Consider how Jesus responded to the woman caught in adultery (John
, or blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10), or the un-named leper (Luke 5). When Jesus encountered someone, Jesus saw a person. Someone who was the object of God’s divine love. Someone for whom he had come to die. And when Jesus saw each one as a person, he treated each one with the compassion that came from his heart being linked to each one of their hearts. Person-ally.

It is easier to deal with categories. It is messy when one deals with persons, but that is who Jesus was and is, someone who involves himself in the messiness of life. You and I have been categorized by the world, but know this; when Jesus looks upon you, Jesus sees only one thing: a person for whom he died and rose. And in seeing you that way, Jesus treats you with the compassion in his heart for you. Jesus forgives the sin that is ripping your life apart and makes you whole. Jesus lifts you out of the pit of your failures and stands you on your feet to live anew. Jesus embraces you when life is falling apart and carries you in his arms like a Good Shepherd. Jesus stands between you and anything that would try and take you from him and says, “This one is mine. A person that I won’t let you have!”
What do I believe about this “gay issue”? I believe that they are people. What do I believe about you….whether I know you or not? I believe….no, I know….you are a person, a person for whom Jesus died and rose!
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger
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