Monday, March 18, 2013

The Bungee Cord 3-17-13

     This Sunday will be Palm Sunday, and as the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem is told, let me call your attention to who I would nominate as Best Supporting Actor: the donkey.
     Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the high point in the year of the Christian faith, Holy Week.  Holy Week begins this Sunday as Jesus rides into Jerusalem well aware of what awaits him, dines with his disciples on Thursday well aware that one will betray him and goes to pray in the garden well aware of the soldiers who will arrest him there, stands in front of Pilate on Friday well aware of the cross that awaits him, and on Sunday strides out of death’s tomb well aware of the change that he has brought to all of creation.  That is Holy Week, and it will begin this Sunday, Palm Sunday.
     Holy Week  begins with Jesus victoriously riding into Jerusalem, not on the mighty steed of a ruthless general, but humbly on the back of a meager donkey: a pack animal, not a war animal; a beast of burden, not a beast; the transporter of the meek, not the proud. He bounced into town on the back of a donkey, instead of charging in on a nostril-flaring stallion.  To proclaim his capture of the hearts of all people, Jesus showed his heart.  He didn’t ride into Jerusalem backed by an intimidating army, he rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey: a shabby, stubborn, slothful donkey.
     In a world where strength and style stride into our lives on muscled steeds with flowing manes bringing us to our knees, remember that Jesus rides into your life on a weak-kneed, scraggly maned donkey.  In a world where those in the saddle leave behind the weak and broken as they strut upon their steeds of success, remember that Jesus rides into your life on a stubborn donkey that doesn’t give up on where it wants to go, among its herd of weak and broken donkeys.  In a world that gallops along at a pace that ultimately leaves everyone behind,  remember that Jesus rides into your life on a donkey that plods at a pace that leaves no one behind, including you.
     It may have been that you have experienced a Christianity that is more akin to a conquering war-horse thundering into your life…beating you down, terrorizing you with fear, demanding that you keep up with it.  Be that the case or not, let me invite you to worship this Sunday, Palm Sunday, and experience something far different.  Come and see that the one named Jesus Christ who rides into your life does it out of stubborn love for you, does it out of uncompromised care for you, does it out of the sharing the weakness of human life.  He does it riding on a donkey: The Best Supporting Actor.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace,
Pastor Jerry Nuernbegers

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