Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bungee Cord  6-25-12

     Our quiet Sunday afternoon visit with my brother and sister-in-law at their place was interrupted by a helicopter circling above us, not a good omen in these days of helicopter ambulances.  Apparently it located its landing target because it stopped its circling and took to hovering and descending.  We lost sight of it, but not sound of it, as it lowered itself onto a field past the trees that surrounded us.
     The helicopter bore the look of a hospital helicopter, except there were no hospital markings on it.  Add to that, there were no sirens or flashing lights of land bound ambulances to be heard or seen.  “Must be picking up someone important,’ said my brother in law as he mentioned that the same helicopter had been circling around just the other day.
     Someone important…mmm…who could have it been?  A movie star: Tom Cruise?  A politician: the First Lady?  A singer: Justin Bieber?  A tycoon: Donald Trump?  An athlete: Ben Rothlisberger?  The Pope?  Someone important…. Who could have it been?
     True enough, not everyone is important enough to be dropped off and picked up by helicopter.  Only those who are so important that crowds swarm whenever they are around making helicopter the only means of getting around are important enough for helicopter pick-ups.  Only those who are so important that they cannot spare the time it takes to travel by car are important enough to be helicopterred around.  Only those who are so important that their security is always under attack are important enough to be lifted in and out of places via helicopter.
     I’ve never been transported by a helicopter.  I guess that establishes my degree of importance.  I am not important enough.
     But I wonder what it says about my stature of importance that God Almighty circled above this world where I am a visitor, seeking a place to land.  And I wonder what it says that God Almighty would land in my life’s field on a hill called Golgatha, also known as Calvary.  And I wonder what it says that God Almighty would open the door of life and death on Easter Sunday morning and step out into my world.  And I wonder what it says that God Almighty would take hold of my hand in the waters of Baptism and say, “I have come to bring you home.”  I wonder what it says that God Almighty would make his home with me during this earthly visit I am making.  I wonder what it says that God Almighty has promised not to leave without me when my  earthly visit is over.  I wonder what it says that I can hear the power of his Holy Spirit churning, whirling, and spinning when I am surrounded by songs and praises in his church.
     I guess it says that I am important….extremely important….uber-helicopter important…..AND SO ARE YOU!
(If you get a chance Google Michael Card’s song, “I Will Be Your Home.)
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace,
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bungee Cord    6-18-12

     I’ve worn glasses since I hit 40, a casualty of aging eyes.  When I first started wearing them, I could still read without them, but they made things a lot clearer.  Now, my arms aren’t long enough for me to be able to focus on any print short of headlines.  I don’t need them for long distances, but without them, things near to me are but fuzzy blurs.  Without them, I cannot read….which is what I have to do on Sunday mornings when I preach and lead worship.
     I was out walking my dog the other day and taking pictures of our house to post on my facebook page, when I noticed that my glasses were not on my face.  Since I was mainly doing long distance viewing, I really didn’t need them, and that is why I couldn’t remember when I had them on last.  When Duncan, my dog, and I got back home, I began searching for them in places where I thought I might have laid them…nope.  Then I searched places where I thought I might not have laid them….nope.  With the house scoured, I went to the garage and my car…nope.  The only place left to search was the fields in which I had been walking…..GOOD LUCK!
     I decided that I should try and backtrack my path, but with some of the grass knee high, my hopes were not very high.  Actually, I was hoping that they were still in my house somewhere.  So, I started out into the field walking very slowly and scoping the ground as if I was panning for gold.  Down one path and along another…nope.  But just before I hit the deep grass I saw this glimmer from the ground…eureka!  (Which comes from the Greek for “I found it”.)  There they were…my glasses … or my “glass eyes”  which I jokingly call them.   How they fell there, I don’t know?  But there they were.
     I can’t say that I danced for joy when I found them, but I did breath a big sigh of relief; relief that I would be able to see to lead worship, and relief that I wasn’t going to have to shell out the money for new glasses.
      Jesus tells two parables about how important you and I (actually all people) are to God.  So important is each person to God, that if God were a shepherd and one sheep strayed away, he would search till he found it…or if God were an elderly woman who lost a small coin, God would search for it until it was found….and in both cases, when the sheep or coin was found, not only would God dance a jig for joy, but all of heaven would join in with him.  And the amazing reason for God’s elation:  God cannot go on without you or me.
     It is one thing to find one’s glasses so that one can read.  It is far another thing to find something so important that one cannot even go on without it….and that is what Jesus says you and I (actually everyone) is to God.  It is an amazing reality to consider.  It is almost beyond human credibility that the one who encompasses all things and all time should so deeply care for you or me that God would not be able to go on without us.  Unbelievable?  Yet that is what Jesus tells us, and that is what we celebrate every Sunday morning and build our lives upon for Monday through Saturday.
     The world may think you or me to be dispensible.  Bosses are quick to let us know that their businesses can survive without us, and spouses know that the day will come when they will have to press on without the other.  But not so with God.  You and I are not dispensible.  God cannot go on without us.  If you or I stray – get lost – God will search high and low, in every knick and corner, in every cesspool and cemetery until God finds us.  And when he finds us…and he will says Jesus….there will be no holding back the joy for God….for as unbelievable as it may seem to be, God cannot go on without us.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace,
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Bungee Cord  6-11-12

     Some new neighbors moved in recently, and I can tell you, I don’t like them.  They leave their yard a constant mess, they run around in my yard messing up my garden and flower beds.  They bring all sorts of other riff raff along with them.  These neighbors are nothing but a bunch of pests: they are a family of ground hogs.
     Actually, they are not neighbors, they are invaders, because they have taken up home in my front field.  They have dug ten holes around a bunch of apple trees, and not small holes at that.  I’ve caught them wandering into the part of our yard that we are trying to make into a lawn, and I fear that it won’t be too much longer until they spot the vegetable garden and help themselves to our crop.  Granted, they are cute.  And sure, they may capture the nation’s attention in the middle of winter.  But they are destructive, messy, and a nuisance.  They are pests, and I don’t like them.
     I guess that I should know a pest when I see one, because, God knows, I am a pest, too… a pest to God.  I dig holes of selfishness in God’s fields of grace, holes that other people stumble upon and get hurt.  I wander into gardens and nibble away the sprouts of faith that are just beginning to grow in other people’s lives.  I carry disease and dirt (sin and guilt) with me, and I leave a wake of suffering and pain behind me.  I make my home on God’s creation, and I claim it out as mine.  If I look in a mirror, there’s not much difference between me and a ground hog…at least when it comes to God.
     But the amazing thing is that what I do with pesky ground hogs, God does not do with me.  I am out to get rid of my new neighbors, the ground hogs….get rid of them for good (if you know what I mean….).  But not so with God and me.  God is not out to get rid of me (or you), he is out to get me and keep me, keep me for good.  The Bible tells us that when Jesus died on the cross, Jesus captured you and me in a trap of forgiveness, and once captured he holds on to us with a divine grip, and brings us home… to his home…to give us a home… to become our home.
     I don’t know if my groundhog neighbors will ever become less pesty….I think it is in their nature, and I have no power of that.  But I do know that even though it is my nature to be a pest, God does have the power to do something about that.  Day after day God’s creative power is recreating me anew.  I may be a pest, but God won’t leave me that way.  He wont rest until God’s hope, God’s mercy, and God’s peace rest in me….and in the rest of the world.
     Groundhogs beware…I am out to get you and get rid of you for good.  People, fear not….God is out to get you and keep you…keep you for good.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace,
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bungee Cord 6-5-12

     If you come to visit me in my office at First Lutheran of Greensburg, you may find yourself wanting to call HGTV and see if one of their designers could come and decorate this space in a manner that at least bears a resemblance to stylish.  Flair for style has never been one of my strengths.  As a matter of fact, when I was first married and my wife and I set out to decorate and position the furniture in the living room of the small house in which we were living, she took a look at my handiwork and said, “Do you really want it to look like that?”
     Anyway, as I was rummaging through the boxes of stuff that had come from my previous office (which I might add, no one made any negative critique….at least not to my face) I came upon the box that was filled with the pictures that I had hung on the walls in Crooks, S.D.  Even though I have my diplomas from my educational pursuits, I don’t display them, instead I have hung on my wall a crafty little stone thing bearing the faces of baseball players from my high school years, I have hung a print of the chapel at Valparaiso University, and I have hung a collage of the buildings from Luther Northwestern Seminary.  So, I hung them on my wall again.  I also hung the prayer of St. Francis, a painting of a loon under which is printed “Be still and know that I am God”, an Illinois clock, a backwards clock, and a cross.  That sounds like that should be enough, but even when all these things were hung, it still looked to me that it needed something more.
     On the bottom of the box, I found something that had not been hung in my previous office, for lack of room, I guess.  It was four  8x10 pictures that my dad had taken of me during a game that I was pitching when I was in 8th grade.  The first is a picture of me standing in the stretch taking the signs from the catcher.  (For those of you who are not familiar with baseball terms…..well….drop me a note and I’ll explain it.)  The second is a picture of me reaching back in my delivery, my back leg bent, the ball nearly touching the ground behind me, my front leg kicked high in the air, my left arm waving my glove in front of me, and my lips pursed.  The third is my body lurching forward, my elbow bent back at what looks like an unnatural angle, the ball hidden behind my arm, and my face grimacing.  The fourth is the picture of me releasing the ball; my two fingers launching the fastball, my arm at a 45 degree angle from my body, my front foot planted into the ground carrying all of my weight and momentum, and my face beholding a new grimace.  I wondered, “Should I hang these pictures in my office?”  Are they too old?  Are they unprofessional?  What would HGTV say?
     I decided to go ahead and hang them, regardless of HGTV’s opinion.  So, I hung them in succession around the cross on the wall to my right.  I did that for two reasons.  First, I thought it good that people might get to know me a bit when they walked into my office.  Secondly, and more importantly, it seemed to me that these pictures depict what I see what the Christian life is like.  First….one looks into the eyes of God for direction…prayer.  Second…one reaches back for strength to do what is called to be done.  Third…with the power of the Spirit behind, one lurches forward into the world.  And finally, with courage and hope….one lets go and lets one’s faith fly into the world.
     Like a baseball pitcher, the Christian life is one that is meant to be cast into the world…with all the strength that God has given you, with the power of the Spirit behind you, with the momentum of God’s grace within you, and with the hope of God’s promise when you let it go.  Also, like a baseball pitcher, you don’t know for sure what will happen after you let the ball, your faith, fly.  Will it do what you planned….streak by the batter in baseball, sail past the barriers and touch people’s hearts with Christ’s love in faith.   Or will it be an errant throw?  Or will it be crushed out of the park in a home run for the opponent?
     If it is a strike….thanks be to God.  If it is a ball…take aim and throw again.  And if it is a crushing hit….well… the next time that batter is up, you’ll have to try something different.
     It takes practice to be a good pitcher.  It takes practice to be a Christian whose faith has the strength, the courage, and the finesse to make a difference in the world.  A baseball player’s practice takes place on the field….a Christian’s practice takes place on Sunday morning in church.  Sure there are other places that a baseball player or Christian can practice, but no place is as efficient as with the rest of the team….with the rest of the body of Christ.
     So, if you’re in the area…stop in and you can see pictures of me when I could still throw a fastball….but no matter where you are, find your way to a Christian practice field on Sunday morning so that on Monday morning you can let your faith fly into the world and then see what happens!!!!

Have a great day,
God’s grace and peace,
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger