Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bungee Cord  6-25-12

     Our quiet Sunday afternoon visit with my brother and sister-in-law at their place was interrupted by a helicopter circling above us, not a good omen in these days of helicopter ambulances.  Apparently it located its landing target because it stopped its circling and took to hovering and descending.  We lost sight of it, but not sound of it, as it lowered itself onto a field past the trees that surrounded us.
     The helicopter bore the look of a hospital helicopter, except there were no hospital markings on it.  Add to that, there were no sirens or flashing lights of land bound ambulances to be heard or seen.  “Must be picking up someone important,’ said my brother in law as he mentioned that the same helicopter had been circling around just the other day.
     Someone important…mmm…who could have it been?  A movie star: Tom Cruise?  A politician: the First Lady?  A singer: Justin Bieber?  A tycoon: Donald Trump?  An athlete: Ben Rothlisberger?  The Pope?  Someone important…. Who could have it been?
     True enough, not everyone is important enough to be dropped off and picked up by helicopter.  Only those who are so important that crowds swarm whenever they are around making helicopter the only means of getting around are important enough for helicopter pick-ups.  Only those who are so important that they cannot spare the time it takes to travel by car are important enough to be helicopterred around.  Only those who are so important that their security is always under attack are important enough to be lifted in and out of places via helicopter.
     I’ve never been transported by a helicopter.  I guess that establishes my degree of importance.  I am not important enough.
     But I wonder what it says about my stature of importance that God Almighty circled above this world where I am a visitor, seeking a place to land.  And I wonder what it says that God Almighty would land in my life’s field on a hill called Golgatha, also known as Calvary.  And I wonder what it says that God Almighty would open the door of life and death on Easter Sunday morning and step out into my world.  And I wonder what it says that God Almighty would take hold of my hand in the waters of Baptism and say, “I have come to bring you home.”  I wonder what it says that God Almighty would make his home with me during this earthly visit I am making.  I wonder what it says that God Almighty has promised not to leave without me when my  earthly visit is over.  I wonder what it says that I can hear the power of his Holy Spirit churning, whirling, and spinning when I am surrounded by songs and praises in his church.
     I guess it says that I am important….extremely important….uber-helicopter important…..AND SO ARE YOU!
(If you get a chance Google Michael Card’s song, “I Will Be Your Home.)
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace,
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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