Monday, June 15, 2015

Bungee Cord  6-15-15

     “You don’t look like a manual transmission guy,” said a recent high school grad who works on cars and sat next to me at a recent wedding reception.
     We were talking, he and I, as we awaited our turn to go to the buffet, and when I found out his interest in cars, I told him that I drive a new Mini Cooper. (For you fellow Mini Cooper fans, mine is one of the new 4 door Mini’s….an “S” of course…a 2.0 turbo charged…manual transmission.)  I told him that it packs a bit of a punch, especially when you put it in “Sport Mode” (when you do so, a go-kart appears on the big circular screen in the middle of the dash).
     “I bet it would really have a lot of zip if it was a manual,” he said to me.
     “Of course it’s a manual.  It’s the only way to drive a Mini!”, said I.
     “Oh, you don’t look like a manual transmission guy.”
     What does a “manual transmission guy” look like, I wonder?
     Was it my balding head that caused my exclusion from a “manual transmission guy”?  Or maybe my increased waistline?  Or maybe the black suit and clerical collar that I was wearing?  I suppose to an 18 year old car guy, there are many things about when looking at me that would lead him to say, “Oh, you don’t look like a manual transmission guy.”
     But if I had said to him instead, let’s go out and I’ll show you my car, and as we walked around it, and he sat down in the form fitting driver’s seat, put his hands on the leather bound steering wheel, and then reached over to the gear shift, noticing the shift pattern on the knob….I bet that he would have said, “Oh, you’re a manual transmission guy!”
     To look at me, I bet that some people might not only say, “Oh, you don’t look like a manual transmission guy,”  they might also say, “Oh, you don’t look like a Christian kind of guy.”  When my words are sharp.  When my actions are hurtful.  When my greed is exposed.  When my doubts come to the surface.  There is plenty about me that to look at me might someone to say, “Oh, you don’t look like a Christian kind of guy.”
     That is why I try to do with those who legitimately wonder if I am a Christian kind of guy as I should have done with my young friend who wondered if I was a “manual transmission guy” whom I should have first shown him my car….I try and first show them Jesus.  Jesus, the embodiment of God’s love.  Jesus the Word of transformational forgiveness and mercy.  Jesus, the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep, and searches to find every one of his fold.  Jesus, the one whose resurrection power is so great that nothing can never sever God from those who bear his name.  Jesus, the one who is the stamp and seal of 1 John 3:1, “See what love the Father has given us that we should be called children of God.  And that is what we are.”
     And when they see Jesus…instead of me…see his love that form fits every sort of person….when they put their hands on the steering wheel that can grab corners and turns like none other…and when they take hold of the gear shift, the cross…..they just might say of me, “Oh, you are a Christian kind of guy.”….and they might just say of themselves….”Oh, maybe I am, too.”
     Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)

Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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