Monday, January 23, 2017

Bungee Cord 1-23-17

     An amazing thing happened yesterday in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.

     It was an unusually warm January day, so I decided to take advantage of the warmth and go outside before the worship services to spread some grace around, waving at people who drove by in their cars.  Readers of the Bungee Cord know that “grace-waving” is my normal practice during nice weather months.  It is my hope that as people caught in the spin cycle of this world scurry their way past First Lutheran church, that the gesture of God’s grace that is wrapped in my wave might momentarily sneak its way into their lives and bring them a since of hope, peace, and joy that whirling around in the world cannot.

     And herein lies the amazing thing that happened this past Sunday morning outside of First Lutheran Church.  What I hoped might happen, happened.  I saw, right before my very eyes, that grace works!

     Here’s what I saw.  Three times, not just once, people waved at me before I could wave at them!  (Two of the waves were taps on their horns.  One was an official wave.)  Because I am sometimes engaged in greeting parishioners as they walk into church, I am not always facing traffic.  Three times as I was turning back to “grace-wave”, before I could get my hand in the air, I was the object of a passer-by’s wave.  Grace works!

     It can be an exhausting and debilitating thing for those of us who seek to be conduits of God’s kindness, mercy, and steadfast love to see how judgment, worldly pressure, and mean-spiritedness seem to excel in suffocating our efforts. When one reads the Bible, one finds out that this is not a new disparaging frustration.  The Psalms ask over and over again as to why the evil seem to prosper and those who seek to do good suffer.  And even when the bystanders passed by the cross on which Jesus died, they mocked him for the defeat he was suffering.

     But every once in a while, something amazing happens; the truth that grace is more powerful than judgment flashes before our eyes.  Like a stain that is covered with paint that eventually bleeds through, the grace of God that has been splashed upon the world in the blood of Jesus bleeds through.  It bled through a stone-sealed grave.  It bleeds through a piece of bread and a sip of wine.  And it bleeds through a wave coming from a passing car.

     When the power of evil and judgment seem so overwhelming and we find ourselves asking, “Am I doing any good?  Should I give up?”, the unprovoked wave of those three people passing me on Sunday carried a message with divine content, “Don’t give up, because it is worth it, and in the end….Grace works!

     Have a great week.

God’s grace and peace, (ggap)

Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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