Monday, July 12, 2021


The Bungee Cord 7-12-21
Yesterday as I was leaving worship, I drove through “downtown” Ligonier, as I always do. Usually “downtown” Ligonier is a sleepy place on Sunday mornings, but not yesterday. I don’t know what the occasion was, but “downtown” was crowded, not with people, but with Golden Retrievers (and their owners, of course). For one whole block, both sides of the street were filled with Golden Retrievers, all of them peacefully congregating. Properly sitting, some laying down. No barking. No tugging and pulling on leashes. Calmly attending whatever occasion brought them all together.
To me, it was an amazing sight. Amazed I was at the gracious beauty of each of the dogs, but that was not the apex of my amazement. I was mostly amazed at the calm and order of all the dogs, for I know if there had been such a gathering of the breed of dog that I have, it would have been canine chaos!
I have a Gordon Setter. This is my second Gordon Setter. My first we had to put down a year and a half ago. He was a great companion for 13 years, as is my current dog, McMahon, who is 4 ½ years old. I am not a hunter, and that is what comes naturally to this breed. Some have called Gordon Setters the Cadillac of hunting dogs. I just like the way they look. Stately, flowing hair, floppy ears, black and brown coats. Years ago, when I got my first Gordon Setter, Duncan, I researched the breed a bit to find out what I might be getting, and the first sight that I went to had an interesting opening sentence that I remember to this day, “This breed is not a Golden Retriever.”
Now some 15 years later, I wholeheartedly agree! My Gordon Setters did not, like Golden Retrievers, live to please me. Lively, full of energy….some say perpetual puppies. Their hunting nose and instincts are the driving forces of their lives. They love to run, and they never seem to tire in wanting to be entertained….”here’s my ball…let’s play!” Inquisitive about every dog that they see. “Heel” is not a natural practice for them. Like I said, if there was a gathering of Gordon Setters in Ligonier, it would not have been a peaceful sight.
But, I love my Gordon Setter. I delight in seeing him chase around and get excited. Seeing his ears flop up and down as he takes his long strides strikes a smile on my face. His loyalty is tremendous, and in the evening when he’s ran all day, there’s nothing he’d rather do than snuggle up on the couch and watch a baseball game with me. His personality is humorous, and his daily delight in life is contagious. He’s not a Golden Retriever…..but then again, in many ways I am glad that he is not. To be sure, he is not a boring companion.
The sight of all those Golden Retrievers got me to thinking about people. People, just like dogs, are different. Some are sort of dignified in their approach to life (like Golden Retrievers), and some sort of just romp their way through life (like Gordon Setters). Neither way better than the other….just different….and thankfully so. When I see the variety of churches, I see what I saw on Sunday…..different kinds of people gathered together in common “breeds”. It surely can be said of God’s people, “we are not all Golden retrievers!” The music that comes out the window, the tone of the sermon, the décor of the church and the dress of the people….quite different in each of the churches. And in my mind that is a good thing, because as I said before, “we are not all Golden Retrievers!” In God’s kingdom there’s a place for terriers, basset hounds, greyhounds, poodles and all the rest to gather. I am thankful that God’s love for his people is big enough to gather together all sorts of “breeds”, including me.
So, let me invite you on this upcoming Sunday, to gather together with your “breed”. To celebrate the wonder of what God has created in you. To treasure the community that shares the traits that you bring to the world, but most of all to hear the Master of all say to you, “I love you for who you are.” And when you go back into the world amongst all the differing “breeds”, maybe you won’t be compelled to think of yourself as better or worse than another “breed”, but part of a great array of wonder who share the Divine Master’s delight.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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