Monday, October 4, 2021


This is an exciting time of the year for those of us who live in Western Pennsylvania, because the hills are about ready to change color. The trees that covered the hills like green painted cotton balls from the spring to the summer are starting to transform themselves into bright and brilliant reds, yellows and oranges. There may be other beautiful places in the world, but when the hillsides of Western Pennsylvania take on their fall colors, they are certainly on the top of the beautiful list.
Those of you who live here know what I mean. It is a sight to look forward to. Along with the cooler weather of crisp mornings and chilly evenings, and campfires amid a snowfall of colored leaves, this time of the year, I think, is the reason to live here. Some would say that it is a slice of heaven.
If Western Pennsylvania is a slice of heaven, it makes me wonder what the whole heavenly pie might be like. When I climb up to the top of a hill and look all around, I find myself transfixed by the patchwork beauty that lies all around me. I can stand in timeless concern and just gaze upon the hills. Warmed by their colors. Calmed by their softness. Thrilled by their magnificence.
If such capture can take hold of me by a slice of heaven, I look forward to the embrace of the whole of heaven when I behold it with my eyes. I imagine that I will not only be transfixed by the magnificence of being face to face with God, but I will also be transformed. I will be given eyes to see what I have never seen before, holiness that no sin has stained. I will see life that is not shadowed by death. And I will see love bigger than all of creation embracing me in endless delight. It will be awesome.
Heaven, like the coming of the fall colors, is something to look forward to, and God, by his grace gives us tastes of what lies ahead to prepare us for the wonder that is to come and to assure us of its coming. In my church, one of those times of preparation and assurance is when we gather around the table of the Lord on Sunday mornings, hear Jesus’ words that he invites us to his table to receive bread and wine that is full of his body and blood, and commune with Jesus and all those around his heavenly feast table…..and we call it a foretaste of the feast to come.
We can’t house you all at once, but if you happen to be driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike (Interstate 76) and reach exit 91, Donegal, drive 4 miles north on highway 711 and we would love to share a drink with you and share our little slice of heaven to prepare you a bit for the wonder of what is to come and the assurance of its coming.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger
May be an image of tree and nature

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