Tuesday, August 9, 2022

 The Bungee Cord 8-9-22

An interesting thing happened to me last week. Three people said to me something that I had not heard before. “I used to be Catholic, but now I am Christian.” I found myself a bit puzzled by their words as I do not believe that Catholic and Christian are mutually exclusive. I would say in math terms, one (Catholic) is a subset of the other (Christian).
If you ask folks who do not call themselves Christian, and even if you ask folks who are Christian, most will tell you that one of the most confusing things about Christianity is all the different denominations. I don’t know how many there are, but there’s a lot and the number is still growing. Why do we need denominations? Why can’t we just be Christian?
Well, in my mind we are. We are all Christians. I suppose that a far smarter person than I would have a long and intricate way of discerning who is a Christian, but for me it all boils down to anyone who follows Jesus Christ is a Christian. And the best image I find for “follower” is that of a band or an orchestra where each musician is following the conductor, Jesus. An orchestra, of course, is made up of many different instruments. Not all of the instruments are playing the same notes and not all the instruments sound the same. But when each instrument is played with exceptional skill and precision, and each instrument follows the baton of the conductor who has all the instruments scored in front of him/her, a beautiful sound is made. There’s nothing like the sound of a full orchestra rendering a beautiful piece of music.
To me, the wonder of the Christian Church is that the variety of sounds that come from the church makes room for a great variety of people making a rich, moving sound. Not everyone needs to play the trumpet, and a good thing, too, because there are times in life when a bassoon carries the tune. Of course, a musician who Is not in beat with the conductor, or who is playing a note not on the conductor’s score, or who is not playing their instrument well sours the orchestral sound. Also, an instrument that is played too soft or too long distorts the sound.
Jesus said, “take up your cross and follow me”. I don’t think it would be putting words in Jesus’ mouth to paraphrase his words by saying, “take up your instrument and follow me”, as a drum major would say to a marching band. “Follow me through the streets of life, playing a song that brings life to the world.” “Follow me with care and precision staying in tune, staying in beat, and staying in step.”
I don’t know what kind of instrument is best fit for you. Maybe you have the nimble hands to play a piccolo, or maybe you have the lungs to play the tuba, but know this, Jesus welcomes you into his orchestra/band. The more the merrier. There’s enough orchestras/bands playing music that fill the world with sounds of hate, judgment, anger, pettiness, emptiness, and gloom. The world needs an orchestra/band that plays hope, peace, joy, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love.
So let me offer Jesus’ invitation to grab your instrument and come to a sectional practice this Sunday. Baptist, Orthodox, Catholic, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, or whatever denomination (orchestra section) that you fit in. Come and spend an hour learning to play your instrument as well as you can, and then as we all march out into the world playing our instruments we can fill the world with the most beautiful music of all, the music that can change people’s lives: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
“Take up your instrument and follow me.”
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger
May be an image of one or more people, outdoors and stadium

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