Monday, September 19, 2022

 The Bungee Cord 9-19-22

The Pittsburgh Steelers, our Pittsburgh Steelers have a quarterback problem. They have too many of them, three: Mitch, Kenny, and Mason. For twenty years we’ve had one quarterback, Ben Rothlisberger. But Ben retired last year, and now we have three. We traded for Mitch this past summer, and we drafted Kenny this year. Mason has been with us for a couple of years, backing up….way backing up Ben.
So, the question leading up to the season has been, who is going to be the starting quarterback? As the preseason unraveled, it became clear that Mitch was going to be the starter, and the question now being asked was, who will be the backup? It appeared to be a tight contest between Mason and Kenny. Mason the quarterback with some team experience, and Kenny the hometown rookie and definitely the fan favorite. Right up to the first regular season game it appeared that Mason had won the battle over Kenny, but the day before the game a sudden switch was made. Kenny was named as the number two quarterback, much to the delight of the fans.
Much to the delight of the local sports talk radio hosts, too. “Thank goodness Kenny got the spot. Mason is terrible! When he got in last year, he couldn’t put a football through an open barn door. He is awful!” On and on they would go about how bad of a quarterback Mason is.
The coach held a press conference and while supporting his decision to name Mitch and Kenny as number one and two, he gave high praise to Mason. “A high quality quarterback and team member.”
I have heard that college coaches tell their players never to listen to the sports commentators on the radio or TV. The only person that they need to listen to is they, the coaches. What do those commentators really know, anyway? And more importantly, it doesn’t matter what they say. It only matters what the coaches say.
Actually, that is what Sunday morning is all about, listening to the only one whose opinion actually matters, God. There is an army of armchair quarterbacks out there who are more than willing to tell us what they think about us. “Looser. So stupid that you can’t tighten your shoes even though they are Velcro. Can’t raise your kids. Can’t be trusted. Doesn’t know a watermelon from a grapefruit when it comes to deciding right from wrong. Out of touch. Out of brains. Worthless!” Day after day we are hit with an onslaught of commentary, to which God gives the advice of football coaches, “Don’t listen to them. What do they know about you? And what does it really matter what they say? The only one whose opinion about you that actually matters is Mine,” says God.
That is why attending worship each week is so important: to hear what matters, to hear the truth, and to hear from someone who deeply knows you. To hear that God Almighty, the ruler of the universe counts you so valuable that he would, and did, die to have you as his. To hear that God Almighty, the ruler of the universe is there to pick you up when you fall, to embrace you in love when others have given up on you, to heal the scars that you carry, and to let nothing – even death – take you from him. To hear that the one who knows how many hairs are on your head is divinely pleased with you. And with those things echoing in our ears, we can go out into the world with confidence, hope and peace…with hands outstretched to our neighbor…with hearts gathering in the broken hearted.
See you Sunday in God’s locker room, and then let’s hit the field and show the world how the game of Christlike love is played!
Have a great week..
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger
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