Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bungee Cord 9-24-12

   Some months ago I told you of some new neighbors who moved in – actually they weren’t neighbors, they were squatters making their home in my yard: groundhogs.  We have been setting live traps for them , and having the traps out for the most of the summer, it seems as though we have emigrated them elsewhere.  We have left the traps out, just in case any of them, or their relatives, decided to take up home back in our yard, but we haven’t caught anything for the last month or so.  That is until yesterday.
   Yesterday, my wife was weedwacking and as she neared one of the traps she thought she saw something move in it, and sure enough, we had caught ourselves another varmint.  As she neared the trap, though, she discovered we had not caught a ground hog.  We had caught a skunk!  Not wanting to be sprayed, she quickly backed away, and came and told me of our catch.
     I said, “Well, we will have to talk to Ralph (our friendly neighbor who has helped us “relocate” the groundhogs) and see if he will help us.”  So, later in the day, Ralph happened by and I said to him, “If I gave you a beer, would you do me a favor?”
     With a glimmer of wonder as to what these greenhorn neighbors of his had gotten themselves into now, he said, “Well…..depends upon the favor.”
    “You know those traps that we’ve been setting for the groundhogs?”
   “Yup,” he said through his Yosemite Sam beard.
   “Well, one of the traps is full, and it’s not with a groundhog.”
   That’s all I needed to say, and he said, “You caught a skunk, didn’t you?”
   “Yup,” I said back.
   “Well, it may cost you more than one beer, but we’ll see what we can do to take care of it,”  and with that I invited him into our house for payment and briefing on how we were going to get this skunk out of our trap without becoming the recipient of its perfume.
     Those of us who have been dubbed the name Christian for a while have come to know that Jesus is quite adept at “relocating” the groundhog sins, the pesky and bothersome things that we do, from our lives….the things that we know other people will even forgive.  But when it comes to the skunk sins, the really stinky things, the things that for which the world dumps shame on us, the things that crash into our lives like a hurricane…the things so rancid that no one wants to be around us, and smell so bad that we don’t even like being around ourselves…..well, the one who knows how to deal with groundhog sins, also knows how to deal with the skunk ones, too.
   He says, “Bring them to me, and I’ll “relocate” them.  I’ll take them off of you, and place them on me, and I will exterminate them.  I’ll take them to death with me as I breathe my last on the cross, and they will be finished.  I am not just an exterminator of groundhog sins…..I died for the skunk ones, too.”
     And here’s good news to go with that: it doesn’t cost you a thing….not a beer, or even two beers….not a single cent, not an IOU, not a pledge or a promise.  Jesus took on the price himself, and so there is no price to pass on to us.
     So, if you have caught something in a trap….a groundhog sin or a skunk sin….come this Sunday to church and lay whatever it is at the feet of Jesus and hear the words of death and life from Jesus, “You are forgiven.”  Forgiven so that you can live with others.  Forgiven so that you can live with God….but most of all, forgiven so that you can live with yourself.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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