Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Bungee Cord 6-30-13

An angel sat next to me at lunch the other day at the Biblical seminar, which I have been attending.    Actually this angel sat next to me three times, but the first two times I didn’t recognize my lunch neighbor to be an angel.  The reason for my blindness was the less than angelic behavior that I saw.
My lunch neighbor was a middle school boy who was attending the seminar with his mother, a pastor.  The seminar was designed for pastors to bring family along with them, and many did.  So, the presence of this middle school boy was not unusual, but his behavior was.  If you have ever spent time with middles school boys, you know that they live at an awkward age….an age between residual squirreliness and budding coolness.  This particular middle schooler was clearly leaning toward the squirrelly side of the continuum.
Smaller than most boys his age, I was surprised to hear that he was a middle schooler.  Partnered with his goofy (as in Disney’s Goofy) conversational skills, his unrefined eating habits (including stuffing large wads of food in his mouth and simultaneously laughing at his own jokes), and wriggling around in his chair like a rabbit trying to escape the grip of a trap I would have guessed him far younger than he was.
I don’t know how it happened that for the three lunches I ate at the lodge, I found myself sitting next to this boy.  I am not one of those who believe that God intricately controls every move of my life, but since I do believe that God steps with me in every movement of my life, I have a sneaky feeling that something divine was woven into what was going on.
I don’t remember anything particular that he said to me at the first two lunches, it all seemed to be a scrambled egg blending of silliness and tactlessness.  The third lunch began in the same way, but then something happened that opened my blurry visioned eyes.
We were just about to start eating, and when the cry went up, “Who would like to pray?”, my middle school neighbor raised his hand and let loose a shriek that I am sure echoed through the Rockies.  “I will,”
“Oh, no.” I thought to myself….this aught to be interesting.
And interesting it was.  A sudden calm came across him, and he folded his hands on the table and closed his eyes.  And with the reverence of a sagely grandfather, he said, “Lord, thank you for this food.  Thank you for the nice people who have carefully prepared it for us, and as we eat it, don’t let us forget those people who don’t have much food.  And help us also to remember those people who just need a little help each day to make it through.  Lord, put us in their paths.  Amen.”
There was silence.  An angel had just spoken.
The word “angel” comes from the Greek (it is even spelled the same way), and it means, “messenger”.  That young boy delivered a message, a divine message that sent shock waves to my heart…sock waves of guilt that I should have fallen prey to what the world thinks of squirrelly middle school boys…and shock waves of the divine compassion that God holds in God’s heart for those who serve in small ways and those who struggle in life.
Three times an angel sat next to me at lunch, and my life has been forever changed.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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