Monday, July 27, 2015

Bungee Cord 7-27-15

     A couple of weeks ago I was out in front of the church, as I usually am on Sunday mornings, waving at people as they passed by in their cars, trucks, and motorcycles.  Occasionally, people walk by to whom I also pass along a grace-full greeting.  Some of them stop and chat a bit, and others speed by without a word in return.  So it was on this particular Sunday morning that a woman came strolling along the sidewalk, a black woman, maybe in her 30’s.  I said to her, “Good morning.  Are you out for a stroll or have you come to worship with us today?”
     “No,” she said, and with that one word I could tell that she was not from western Pennsylvania.  Her accent was the one that I heard when I was in Africa.  “No,” she said, “I am going to the Presbyterian church.”  (It is across the street.)
    “Oh,” I said, “Well, God be with you, and have a great day.”
     “You know,” she replied, “I am not from around here.  I am from Cameroon.”
     “Really,” I said back with familiar delight, “I was in Cameroon for 4 weeks some years ago.”  And we immediately bonded over the stories of the places that I had been.  She had been in the states to spend some time with her nieces and then take them back to Cameroon.
     And then she laughed….laughed that African laugh…and said, “I’ve got to tell you something.  Yesterday, I was at the park listening to the concert there, and there were some people from a church evangelizing.  They came up to me and asked me if I was a Christian, and I said yes.  Then they asked me if I went to church, and I said,”Yes ,the Presbyterian Church on Main Street.”
     “Oh, you go to the stone church across the street from the church with the waving Pastor?” they said to her, and when she told me of their description of me, she gave another good African laugh.
     “The Church with the Waving Pastor.”  I guess that my waving has become more widely known than I had thought, so widely known that our church has become so dubbed.  People may not know where First Lutheran Church is, but apparently they know where the “Church With The Waving Pastor” is.
     I am not too sure that “Lutheran” means a lot to the average Greensburgite”, but it appears that waving does.  I hope that my waving means to them that they are the objects of God’s love and mercy no matter where their life is taking them on any given Sunday morning.  I hope that it means that there is a sense of peace and hope that goes with them as they go on their way.  I hope that it means that God is glad to meet them where they are at.  I hope that those who receive my wave see it as more than just a friendly greeting, but that they see it as a small gesture of God’s grace to them.
    That is what I believe the Christian message is essentially all about: God’s grace to the world, each and every person in the world.  So, I’ll take it.  I’ll take the description by which our church is apparently being come to known as, “The Church With The Waving Pastor”, for I hope that when they experience the harshness of life, the crumbling of their world, the perplexity of right-less answers, the pressure of complicated questions…that they will know where they can go to be swaddled and grasped in the Grace of God…… the “Church With The Waving Pastor,’
     Have a great week…waving!
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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