Monday, December 21, 2015

Bungee Cord 12-21-15

Merry Christmas.
I went on Google searching for the origins of “Merry Christmas”.  One site says it goes back to the pen of an English admiral and then expanded by Charles Dickens in his story, “A Christmas Carol”.  Although no one seems to  know for sure how it happened from there, but the phrase took off and became a pretty universal greeting between those celebrating the Christmas holiday.
Now, I realize that I am dwarfed by Charles Dickens as a literary trend setter, but today I would like to humbly propose changing the word that we connect to “Christmas” when we pass on our Christmas greetings.
Why the change?  Well….to me, “merry”  just falls a bit short of  the impact that I hope the story of Christmas makes in people’s lives.  “Merry” just seems , to me, to be too shallow and saccharine a word to connect with the events of the Christmas story.  “Merry”, to me, invokes “glee” and “happy”….neither of which a necessarily bad, but  it seems that God’s intent in the incarnation was meant to take hold of our lives with something far more profound.  Besides that, to wish someone “merriment” when they are in the darkest shadows of life does seem to be a bit hollow and empty.
So if not “merry”, what?
How about “wonder-full”….or how we usually spell it, “wonderful”?  When I consider the universal majesty of God, and the microscopic place that I hold in the universe, I, like the writer of the 8th Psalm, am struck with nothing less than awesome wonder that God would deign to enflesh himself in the life that I live.  When I consider the fickleness of the faith that I hold and the defaming that my life brings to the name of God, I am struck with awesome wonder that God would go to such an extent to embrace me in his love.  When I consider that instead of hanging me over the fires of hell to deal with the toxicity of my life, God came to hang on the cross and make his blood the alkaline for the acid that runs through my life I am struck with nothing less than awesome wonder.  To me, the message of Christmas is far more than merry-making.  It is absolutely wonder-full.
     And so, no matter how you find yourself in life…cruising along, stumbling through it, battling it every day…let me offer my Christmas greeting to you.  May the one who is the light that no darkness can overcome so shine in your life that your eyes see with unobstructed vision the grace, the mercy, and the love of God for you in this Christmas season such that you are struck with nothing less than awesome wonder.
Have a Wonder-full Christmas.
God’s grace and peace,

Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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