Monday, July 18, 2016

Bungee Cord 7-18-16

     Last week  I wrote about Miss Nicklebee, our sweet, skittish, and cuddly outdoor cat (you can find it on my blog:, and what I might learn from her in my relationship to God.  This week, her polar opposite and companion in woodshed cohabitation, Attaboy.
      He and Miss Nicklebee were supposed to be from the same litter, but you’ld never guess so from the way he looks to the way he acts.   Attaboy is a completely white furred cat except for his tail, which is raccoon-like in color.  He rarely spends time in the shelter of the shed.  Instead, he is always on the prowl making his presence known on our neighbors’ land as well as ours.  He seems to have no fear as he prances his way right up to our dog, Duncan, who he greets by rising up on his back legs and caressing Duncan’s neck with his head. (You may remember that Duncan nearly killed Miss Nicklebee.)  He is a bit Hollywood in his personal perception, assuming that everyone that he sees is someone who wants his autograph.  Definitely not skittish.  He loves to be picked up and petted.
     Thing is, though, when you pick him up he is every bit in motion as he is in his perpetual prowling life.  Laps, for him, are not things to sit upon, but rather platforms to pace upon.  He doesn’t cuddle, but rather does to me what he does to Duncan, caressing my cheek with the fur between his ears.  No matter my attempts to get him to relax in my arms, he does not.  He keeps on churning and whirling.  Perfect, purring peace is not something that Attaboy has ever captured.  There’s a restlessness in Attaboy that never seems to be quelled.
     I see those Attaboy traits often, if not usually, in me.  I, like he with me, delight to see God wandering around in my life, and I find myself wagging my tail in delight as he stoops down to pick me up.  But once in his embrace, I don’t rest calmly and at ease.   My mind still churns and spins trying to hold things together, myself.  I pace back and forth in nervousness and anxiety.  I am reluctant to simply relax, restlessness like ADHD in my soul.
     Last week I made note that I might learn from Miss Nicklebee what it means to melt in the graceful embrace of God.   From Attaboy and his relationship to me, I hope to incarnate this truth: God does not embrace me for what it does to God, but what it does to me.  When Miss Nicklebee melts in my lap, my heart melts, too.  That does not happen when Attaboy is in my lap….but nevertheless, I still pick him up and gladly take him for who he is…..and if I can do that with an outdoor cat who lives in my wood shed, certainly I can count on God doing that with me for whom he has made my home in his heart.  Restlessness and roaming do not cool my heart to Attaboy….I can count, therefore, that neither will they cool God’s heart to me.
     And with that assuredness, I can have hope….hope that the gentle grace of God will slowly and suredly assuage my restlessness, and purr-fect peace will indeed take hold of my soul, and I will rest, like Miss Nicklebee, in the abiding peace of being “dandled” on the lap of God.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)

Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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