Monday, September 5, 2016

Bungee Cord  9-5-16

     I felt like honking….but I didn’t….because I don’t.  Out here you never know who has a shotgun in the car.
     The occasion for my urge to honk came as I pulled up at the drive-through ATM,  I was on my way to meet someone and needed some cash, so I was in a bit of a hurry.  There was only one car in front of me, so I figured that I would accomplish my mission of getting some money and be on time for my appointment.
     But I was wrong.  The person in the car in front of me must have been saving her yearly banking needs for the time that she was in front of me.  I don’t know how long she took to do her business, but it seemed like an hour (not really, but when you need to be somewhere, time moves speedily).  Three…maybe four times she stuck her card in the machine, pulled it out and sorted through stuff in her car.
     As I sat behind her, watching the minutes tick by, I thought to my self, “Surely she knows that I am waiting behind her.”  How inconsiderate of her to monopolize this machine.  If she had so much business to do, she should have gone to the inside teller….but no….she obviously was simply too lazy to park her car and do what would have been more considerate to others.  With every passing insertion of her card my patience waned. 
     Finally, she pulled her card out of the machine for the last time….but did she move forward?  No!  She rolled her window up, and in the comfort of her air conditioning she probably was sorting out her cash into old and  new bills …. and finally …..finally….she took her car out of park, applied her brake and crept out of the space that she had been hogging!  It is amazing, I thought to myself, how thoughtless some people are!
     So, I pulled up to the ATM, pulled out my card, and quickly inserted it.  By this time there was a car or two behind me, and I would show them that I would not be like the person who had been in front of me.  The screen invited me to take my card back and enter my pin number….and I did.  I, unlike the self-absorbed person that I waited for, I would be out of here in a second.
     A screen popped up that I had never seen before, asking me to select one of my accounts….wait…I only thought I had one account.  So, I stared at that screen wondering which button I should press.  So, I pressed one.  The wrong one, because after the computer thought for a bit, it printed the words on the screen, “Your request is larger than your account balance.  Transaction completed.”
     So, I had to reach into my back pocket and pull out my card that I had quickly put away, insert it in the ATM, punch in my pin number, and try a different account.  This time my request was within reach of my balance, but I must have hit the wrong button, because instead of giving me money, the machine read, “Thank you.  Transaction complete.”
     Back to my back pocket to retrieve my card, which I re-inserted in the machine, punched in my pin number, accessed the right account, typed in the amount that I wanted….and….this time it said, “Processing transaction”.  In a moment my cash appeared in front of me.  I pulled in into my car….and quickly moved out of the spot that I had monopolized…..a line of four or five cars now behind me.
     Evidence of the truth of what I say every Sunday morning, “I confess that I am in bondage to sin and cannot free myself.” 
     “Forgive me, Lord.”  And God does!
Have a great week.

Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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