Monday, March 13, 2017

The Bungee Cord 3-13-17


     Maybe one of the reasons why it is hard for some people to believe the Christian message is because it just seems too good to be true.  And you know what they say when someone is trying to offer you a deal, “If it is too good to be true, it probably is.”

     After all, in the expanse of the universe with billions and billions of stars, and planets, and comets, and moons, and black holes, and all the rest, it does seem too good to be true that the one whose power created it all, permeates it all, and holds it all together would care about the microscopic speck that I am.  Further, in the face of my preoccupation with myself, it does seem too good to be true that I should be the apple of the eye of the one of whose wider view I am often getting in the way.  And, against the capricious chaos of nature, it does seem too good to be true that there is one whose grip on me is greater than nature’s power.  And, in the face of graves that house rotting bodies turning and turned to dust, it does seem too good to be true that there is one who so much desires our presence that he will not let death have the final word with us.  There is much about the Christian message that is so, so good that it defies credulity, and when confronted with rational thought seems too good to be true.

     We are not the first to find the Christian message to be so.  Ever since the beginning of Christianity, people have struggled with the ulta-goodness of the Christian message.  All the way back when the Bible was written, the Apostle Paul said this in a letter to the people of Corinth, “For Jews demand signs and Greeks desire wisdom, but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling-block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength.”  In the face of that which seems too good to be true, there is only one thing that Christians can say, “Look at the cross and the empty tomb.”
     Jesus death on the cross and his Easter morning resurrection is the crux of the Christian message.  Without the cross and empty tomb, any reasonable person could easily judge the tenets of the Christian faith “too good to be true”.  But because of the cross and empty tomb, the goodness of which we speak clearly articulates truth.  In a much lesser way, when I something that is unbelievably delicious and then I look at the ingredients and calories that indicate that it is good for me to eat, I find myself saying of the taste/health consideration, “This is too good to be true.”…..but it is true!  Despite the taste! 
     During this time of Lent that leads to Easter, for centuries Christians have turned their attention to the cross, contemplated the witness of its place in time and space…a witness paired with the resurrection of Jesus….and have concluded with solid faith, the grace of God that seems too good to be true…..actually is true!
     Have a great week!
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)

Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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