Monday, May 22, 2017

The Bungee Cord 5-22-17

     This past Saturday there was a stretch of motor cycles parked in front of our church, lined up side by side leading people to joke with me on Sunday, “Did our church become a biker bar yesterday?”
     The reason for the array of motor cycles: a wedding.  The couple that I married at our church was part of a motor cycle club, so they planned to ride their cycle to the reception with the rest of the club in tow.  As it turned out the weather cooperated, and when the wedding service was over the groom in his tux and the bride in her gown hopped on their bike and rode off, a “Just Married” sign dangling from the seat.
     Before the service began I was outside talking to one of the groomsmen, a biker, too, and he said to me, “I don’t suppose you have this many bikes parked in front of your church on Sundays.”
     “No,” I said, “but I am glad that they are here today, because maybe people will see that motor cyclists are welcome at our church.”
     “Yeah,” he said, “after all Jesus came for the sick.
     He was right.  Jesus, himself said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick;  I have come to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5:31) 
     And yet, he was also wrong, wrong as many have wrongly thought…wrong in thinking that the sickness of which Jesus, the physician, had come to deal with effected only pockets of people….tax collectors, prostitutes, adulterers, and hard living motorcyclists.  Fact is the sickness that Jesus came to address was an epidemic that left no person untouched.  Sure, some people have hidden the pain of this sickness better than others, but sin….and that is the sickness’ name….favors no one.  No one is exempt from the pain that it brings.  No one escapes the loneliness and isolation that it causes.  No one is excluded from the weariness that it brings to our days.  Point is, according to Jesus, no one can look at another and pridefully say , “Boy, is that person sick!”, because we are all deathly sick.
     Somehow, though, that seems to be the message that sneaks out of churches into the world. From the church they in the world hear a diagnoses cast upon them that doesn’t seem to be cast upon those inside, “Boy, is the world sick.”  For many the message that they hear from the church is that the church is a health spa for the holy…..and not a hospital for the hurting.  But this is nothing new.  Jesus faced it.  He didn’t struggle with those who the world had diagnosed as sick.  Jesus struggled with the religious folks who thought themselves not to be sick.
     “Well,” I said to my motorcyclist friend, “We are all sick…motorcyclists no more than anyone else….and since we’re all sick….we’re all welcome at this church….motorcyclists, included.”
     “Oh, yeah,” he remarked back at me with a smile on his face.
     So no matter how you get around in life…in a pick-up…a luxury sedan….a SUV…a Mini Cooper (that’s me)…a minivan…on foot…on a bicycle….or a motorcycle….hope you will get around to coming to church this Sunday, because Christ has come for the sick….and that, as I told my motorcycle friend, is everybody.
     Have a great week.

God’s grace and peace, (ggap)

Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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