Monday, November 13, 2023

 The Bungee Cord. 11-13-23

There’s a commercial on with a man and a woman in a restaurant booth. The man is informing the woman that everyone who is a customer of a particular cell phone company (I think that’s the advertiser) gets a low new lower rate, to which the woman asks with a tone of unfairness, “Even Suzie (can’t remember the real name) who took her bicycle and hid it in her garage all winter gets the special rate, too?”
With a look of truth on his face, the man says, “Yes, everyone who is a customer.” The woman says nothing with a look of disappointment on her face.
The Bible tells us that Jesus died for the world and did not come to condemn the world “but in order that the world might be saved through him.” John 3:16-17). Even Suzie who stole my bicycle and hid it in her garage for the winter? Even the one who spread ugly rumors about me? Even the person who told lies and got the promotion that I had worked hard for? Even the corrupt government official that embezzled money? Even… name it, from the smallest prick in your soul’s skin to the deepest and most heinous dagger stab….even them?
And with a look of truth on his face, Jesus, from the cross says, “Yes, everyone who walks this earth.”
I’ve seen the look of disappointment on the face of many a person who has heard Jesus’ words of forgiveness from the cross. They, like the woman in the commercial, wear a frown on their face to hear that those who have hurt others do not get what they deserve. They deserve, of course, to be left out. That would make things fair. That would even up the score. It is not right for such people to be included in this blanket of mercy. Right?
Well, if that is the exclusion that you or I might expect for others, then where does that leave you and me? Where does it leave you and me when we are the perpetrators of pain and suffering?
When I have posed that question to folks who begrudge God’s mercy to others, they have responded back, “Well, I haven’t killed anyone like they did.” To which I ask back, “How many minutes of sleep have you lost over the millions of children who are starving to death in the world while you have more than you can eat?” Or some have said, “But I didn’t mean to hurt them.” To which I have answered, “Even if you didn’t mean to cause pain, the pain still ripped into the other’s heart.” And still others have said, “But I said I was sorry, and the people that hurt me have never been repentant.” My response: if you squash a beetle, sorry doesn’t change the fact that that beetle’s innards are splattered on the sidewalk.
The mirror is a very aggressive prosecutor, a prosecutor who has never lost a trial….never has and never will. So, I thank God that there is one, that God is one, who doesn’t look at me and sees the image in my mirror. I am eternally thankful that God’s blanket of grace covers me and Suzie (whoever your or my Suzie might be). I am eternally thankful that God’s forgiveness is given to even the likes of me. I am eternally thankful that God sees me the eyes of the one who took every bit of pain and suffering that I could inflict on others and killed the agent of that pain: greed, pride, loneliness, hate, envy….you name it. And then said to me and to the world as Jesus walked out of the tomb, to inflictors and inflicted, “That pain will not rule your life, I will reign in your life with a power that brings healing to wounds, peace to suffering, and even life to death.”
For God so loved the world….that means you and that means me….that he gave his Son, not to judge the world as guilty….. that means you and that means me…but in order that the world might be saved through him…that means you and that means me….and that means Suzie, too.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger
May be an image of text that says 'John 3:16-17 THE CORNER ROOM'

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