Monday, July 9, 2012

The Bungee Cord  7-9-12

   Today I found out why I am a pastor…..and not a painter.
    I’ve been looking for a day to stain our deck amid  the days and weeks of rain and scorching heat.  With a couple days of no rain, and mild temperatures, I decided that this was the day.  So, after leading the worship for vacation Bible school, I cam home cracked open the gallon of stain and prepared to tackle the deck.  I slapped the stain on the deck and the interior of the railing and then set my sights on the exterior railing for which I needed a ladder to reach.  I went to the garage, got my 8 foot step ladder, and set it next to the house where the deck  connects to the house.  I nudged the ladder and jiggled it to make sure it was climb-worthy, then I picked up the gallon of stain, which was about a third full,  and began my ascent.   I reached the 7 foot level, braced myself on the ladder, stuck my paint brush in my stain, and reached for the railing, the target of my brush.
     Apparently, my reach changed the pressure on the legs of my ladder, and before I knew it, the front right leg of my ladder sank into the ground, tipping the ladder in an angle that only could send it earthward.  “Uh oh,” I yelled to the trees and fields, because there wasn’t anyone around, and down I went.  In a split second I found myself plunging to the ground, which I hit rear-end first.  For some reason, I remember thinking that I needed to keep the can of paint above me so it wouldn’t spill….forget that…, for when my rear end hit the ground my elbow which was connected to my hand holding the paint soon followed, and the paint, following the laws of physics, fountained upwards….all over me.  Not too worry, I don’t think I got hurt, because thankfully I hit some soft ground….which was the culprit of my fall in the first place.  The only thing I hurt was my pride and my pocketbook, now needing to purchase another gallon of stain to make up for the stain that was soaking into the ground.
     Jesus said that a wise man builds his house on the rock (him) so that when the storms come the foundation holds.  Let me modify his parable and say, that I learned today, that a wise man sets his ladder on firm ground (all four legs) so that when the pressure hits, the ladder doesn’t topple.
     The world is good at reminding us of setting our ladders on firm ground…at least three of the legs.  It is important to make good financial decisions.  It is important to develop friends and deep relationships.  It is important to sharpen our skills, whether in a job, at school, or athletically….. but it is also important to make sure that you set your heart on something solid, too….set it on something solid to hold you together when life comes unraveled, set it on something with forgiveness when you can hardly stand to look at yourself in the mirror, set it on something bright when the confusing fog of the world rolls in, and set it on something strong that has the power to overwhelm the darkness of death.  To set your heart on something soft is perilous…believe me….I found out today….
     After my spill, and trip to the paint store for another gallon of stain, I started placing rocks under the feet of my ladder….and guess what….it worked!   Certainly, there are important things to set the ladder of your life on that the world gives you lots of direction to do so….so let me…by virtue of my self  inflicted learning moment… invite you to find a solid rock for that fourth….the foot that is directly connected to your heart….where the deepest and most important things lie.
     Let me invite you to come to church this Sunday and set the leg of your ladder on the one who names himself as the “solid rock”….stomp on it hard….with all the weight that you are carrying on your shoulders, with all the tonnage of disappointment that you wheel around every day, with all the sadness that your failures have brought you, and with all the joy that adorns your life….see if your ladder tilts, or stays steady…..and if it stays steady (and I believe that it will), keep on coming to church and go ahead and climb your ladder and have fun “staining the world” with God’s grace and love.
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace (ggap),
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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