Monday, May 5, 2014

Bungee Cord 5-5-14

     There are some things that a person can put into words, and there are some things that all you can say is, “I guess you had to be there.”
     Yesterday, we had the 40 member concert choir from Lincoln University of Pennsylvania join us for worship.  It was an amazing worship service.  First Lutheran is a fairly large building, easily seating 400 people.  I wish I could put into words the power that filled that place of worship, but I guess you had to be there.
     I wish I could put into words the angst that swallowed me up as  the choir took us to the valley of the shadow of death when they sang “Where You There When They Crucified My Lord?”, and the exhilaration that sent shivers up and down our spines when they came to the last verse, “Where you there when God raised him from the tomb?”…it caused trembling…..but, I guess that you had to be there.
     I wish that I could put into words the rending of all fear and doom when they hit chords that pierced the soul singing, “Great God Almighty”…..but, I guess that you had to be there.
     I wish that I could put into words the peace that embraced me like a goose down comforter when the soloist sang the first verse of “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”, and the choir gathered their voices in varied tone and tempo for the rest of the song….but, I guess that you had to be there.
     I wish that I could put into  words the anticipation that caught my heart to hear the reading of the Gospel when it was introduced by the choir singing, “Ain-a That Good News”….but, I guess that you had to be there.
     I wish that I could put into words the bond  with Jesus that I felt as I came to the table of the Lord, receiving the meal of his body and blood, when proceeded by the melting of voices when the choir sang, “In Remembrance”….but, I guess that you had to be there.
     I wish that I could put into words the profound thankfulness to the Lord that swept across my soul when Communion was finished and the choir’s voices pierced the callous fears of my unworthiness of God’s love when they sang, “Even Me”….but, I guess that you had to be there.
     It was a rare and real treat to have the Lincoln University Concert Choir come and worship with us.   It doesn’t happen every Sunday, but what does happen every Sunday is lives are transformed by God’s forgiveness of sin, hearts are opened up to love others by the unconditional grace of God, and hope and courage fills people’s lungs as the Spirit blows among us.  What happens every Sunday  may not be as spine tingling as what happened this past Sunday with the choir, but it is as grand and glorious….and if that is hard to believe….well…be there, and you’ll find out!
Have a great week,
God’s grace and peace, (ggap)
Pastor Jerry Nuernberger


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