Monday, February 29, 2016

Bungee Cord 2-29-16

     “I don’t know what to believe,” said a junior high-er to me after church yesterday.  “I don’t know if I should believe what I learn in school in science class about creation, or if I should believe what the Bible says.”
     I think that she was a bit embarrassed to ask me this question, fearing that I would question her questioning.  Not the case!  “I am glad that you are asking this question.  I wish more people would ask this question,” I said to her and a smile came to her face.
     It seems to me that this question is often squelched by Christians on the defense who feel attacked by science, and science devotees who are on the offense against “mindless Christianity.”  Is it true, as these two pullers on the opposite ends of the rope of truth claim that science and Christianity are two boats and one must decide to hop aboard one or the other?  I am convinced, I told that young lady, that the answer is a decisive “NO!”
     “We don’t find it surprising,” I said to her, “that atoms and sub-atomic particles are not spoken of in the Bible, because the people in Biblical times had no knowledge of them.”  She nodded.
     “What we do find in the Bible, however, is what the people in Biblical times did have knowledge of.  They saw the sun move across the sky.  They saw myriads of stars….more stars than we see in our human lighted world…and they saw rain and snow fall upon them from the sky.  And given what they observed….scientifically observed…they came to an understanding of the cosmos and creation, an understanding driven by the best science of the day.  Then they pulled out a suitcase…a suitcase we call the Bible…and packed the scientific understanding from what they saw along with the faith understanding that they heard from the covenants from God….and set off on the voyage of life.”
     “That is what it seems to me,” I said, “we should do today.”
     Personally, I do not find science and Christianity to be at odds.  I find them to complement each other.  In my mind, as my understanding grows on how things came to be and how they interact, I find myself growing closer to God, just like (in a smaller way) I have grown closer to my grandmother when I learned of how she made her Virginia Slicer Pickles (which my kids will tell you are the best!).  Likewise, the beauty and marvel of what stark science leads me to understand is deepened and warmed when the color of God’s grace is applied, much like the beauty and marvel I remember when black and white TV of my youth was replaced by a color TV.
     “So,” I told her, “the school’s job is to open your eyes to the best science of our day…science that one day people will look upon as somewhat backwards given what they will come to know…and our job at church is to open your ears to the timeless promises of God’s love and mercy….so that when you set sail to cruise into life you will have both things in your suitcase and you will be well packed for your trip!”
Bon Voyage!
Have a great week.
God’s grace and peace,(ggap)

Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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