Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Bungee Cord  11-22-16

     What if there was a parade and no one came?

     The Greensburg Holiday parade was this past Saturday.  Not many people came.  The weather was atrocious.  It was 74 and sunny on Friday, 60 and beautiful on Saturday morning, and then at 10:00 on Saturday morning a front came through.  Temperatures dropped into the mid 30’s.  Rain and snow.  Thrashing winds destroyed umbrellas.  Parade time was noon, and as noon approached the curbsides were pretty bare.  It was miserable.

     I think that most of those who froze parade-side were related to someone in the parade.  Band parents.  Political friends.  Dance troop moms and dads (although I saw numerous little girls in their dance outfits heading back home before the parade began.)  Brave scouting families.  Normally the streets are lined 2 or three deep with kids ready to pounce on candy being jettisoned their way.  But not this past Saturday.  Parents must have decided the weather was a gift from God to keep their kids home and thereby off an unusual dose of sugar.

     It wasn’t that no one came, but compared to usual, it was hardly anyone.  All of which got me to pondering, “Who are parades for?  The watchers?  Or the paraders?”

     Of course the answer is both.  But what if you only had one.  What if you had a parade and no one came?  Or what if everyone came, and there wasn’t a parade?  Putting it this way, I have decided that a parade is a parade without the crowd, but without the parade it isn’t a parade.

     So, what if there was a parade and no one came?

     There would still be a parade.  The bands would play.  The flag corps would march.  The dancers would dance.  The politicians would politic.   The septic company trucks would rumble by and the fire engines would light up the road.  Even if no one came to watch, there would still be a parade.

     But what if you had a Sunday morning worship service and no one came to worship? 

     Maybe you had never thought about worship this way before.  Most of us ask the question of worship’s value saying, “What will going to church today do for me?”  In light of this year’s Greensburg Holiday parade, maybe a more essential question might be, “What will going for church today do for the world?”

     As with a parade and its paraders, worship provides the place for worshippers to blow their horns of grace, dance their way to the communion table, carry the flag of their faith in honor, and for people of divine hope to create a holy disturbance in a sleepy, gloomy world.  Parades and worship slice through despairing times with a rhythm of joy.  Parades and worship celebrate gifts and talents when the world is focused on its troubles.  Parades and worship awaken purpose and meaning when life if dull.  Parades and worship celebrate victories that have turned the world up-side-down.  The world needs parades.  The world needs the church to worship.

     Come on and join the parade….the parade of hope, peace, joy, forgiveness, and love…this Sunday morning at worship.  The world needs worship’s parade….the world needs you to be there!

Have a great week,
God’s grace and peace,

Pastor Jerry Nuernberger

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